Monday, March 1, 2021

Toesies on Mancat Monday

Today is Mancat Monday, but around here it's also a day for toesies.

Evan got a pedicure the other day. Though he quite dislikes having those nails of his trimmed, he wanted to show them off nonetheless.

Happy Monday to all!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tomorrow is Dr. Seuss Day. In celebration, tomorrow we'll be sharing a new poem with a new illustration. For today, though, how about we share the silly little doodles we scribbled up for the past two years' Dr. Seuss Days?

Tip of the Day

We're yet again going to be repeating a series of tips from previous years. This is because the topic at hand is an important one. After all, March is Pet Poison Awareness Month, and so we'll be giving some tips relating to this over the next couple of weeks. We'll begin with a simple one. For today, we just want to remind you to always have a plan for an emergency, of course including the possibility of your furbaby ingesting some form of toxic material. This could be chocolate, a poisonous plant, human medication, or even an item such as a battery. Being prepared would include knowing where to take your furbaby, as quickly as possible, in the event that they consume anything poisonous. For example, if the trip to your regular veterinarian is not a quick drive, then perhaps have another backup clinic in mind, one that is closer, in the event that you need to get your furbaby help in a very timely manner.

Along this same line of thought, also make sure you know the nearest emergency veterinary clinic, especially for evenings, weekends, and holidays. Have the phone number and address of said clinic handy, such as in your phone or on your refrigerator. What's more, we may not always think of this, but also try to be knowledgeable of how to get to any clinic you might need, before you might need to get there in a pinch. If need be, bookmark or print out directions to nearby clinics and keep them somewhere accessible. This way, should your furbaby get into anything poisonous, you can hop in the car and get help without delay. As we always say, it's better to be safe than sorry.


The Island Cats said...

Nice toesies, Evan! Now you've reminded the mom that she needs to give me a pawdicure. ~Ernie

Eastside Cats said...

It's a rough life being a housecat, Evan!
If the vet hadn't have clipped Sweetie's nails, I'd be in ribbons.

Catscue said...

Very nice toesies Evan, pawsome!

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy Mancat Monday, Evan!! We loved seeing you wonderful looking toesies after your pawdicure. We hope you are having a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing.
World of Animals Rittenhouse

pilch92 said...

Very nice toesies Evan. I love the flashback doodles. Great tips too.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those are purrfect toesies!

Marvelous Marv said...

Evan, your toes are awesome and nice nails! We love your Mom's Seuss Doodles! Have a marvellously happy day!

messymimi said...

Gotta love toes, and Dr. Seuss!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are big happy toesies!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Great poem! Ah...themystery of missing items when felines are running the household.