Friday, July 28, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins and Photo Fails

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My wonderful co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I would describe my home as _________.

2. I would never give _________ to _________.

3. I share my secrets with _________.

4. Did I ever tell you _________?

My answers are below in bold.

1. I would describe my home as ruled by cats.
(Even pup Astrid wouldn't deny this. Cat toys, cat scratchers, cat beds, cat trees, bossy yet adorable cats, and just all things cat are strewn all over the house.)

2. I would never give flowers to someone with cats.
(Even if I've looked up a flower and it's been deemed non-toxic to animals, I would still not give it to someone I know has cats, or perhaps any pets. My cats focus their sights on and chew on any greenery they see, and so I always just assume this could be how others' cats react as well. So, no one with cats gets any form of plant life from me. Well, unless it's catnip or cat grass. In that case, I'm game.)

3. I share my secrets with my kitties and pup.
(I have a little sign up on one of my bookshelves that simply says, "No one keeps a secret better than my cat." Truer words were never spoken.)

4. Did I ever tell you that our aquatic frog is still with us?
(Years ago, as in over 5 years ago, I shared this photo:

That's a frog that has been in my family since I was roughly 10 years old. For anyone curious, I am now 34 years old. This frog was young yet already full grown when we got it, which means she is now roughly 24 to 25 years old. This frog has lived longer than even my dear calico angel Rosie, who made it to 21 years of age. I believe the frog might be blind, or at least partially so, but she still loves her food and swimming around her tank, so good for the old aquatic lady.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

You better believe our resident blooper queen Eddy is more than ready to share a good and blurry outtake.

Eddy and all of us here are wishing you a happy Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

We're sorry for anyone who's not a fan of or just doesn't know a thing about Harry Potter. But, as a longtime fan of it myself, I have yet another flashback doodle inspired by the series.

Tip of the Day

We're continuing on with our litter box tips today by discussing location. When deciding where to put litter boxes in your home, there are a variety of considerations to make. For example, you cat likely won't want to do their business in a high traffic area, where there are many distractions and little to no privacy. At the same time, though, many cats will also likely not want to be hidden away in an small, enclosed area, such as a small closet. Placing a litter box in a small, enclosed area such as a small closet will likely trap the smell, which some cats are averse to. What's more, using the litter box is one way in which cats often instinctively believe they are making a territorial display, and so hiding away the litter box, where no one can see them do their business, might lead to out-of-box behavior for territorial reasons.

All of the above being said, consider where in your home might work best for a box to be both away from heavy traffic, yet close enough to the goings-on for your kitty to still feel included. Dedicated litter box rooms, corners of bedrooms or living rooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, or even large closets can all make for good litter box areas. It really depends on how your home is set up, and where your kitty might feel most comfortable. Just as we've mentioned before, though, it also might simply come down to your cat's preference. Perhaps your cat enjoys using the restroom right in front of you, or perhaps your cat actually prefers to go in a closed closet. In the end, if your cat displays a preference for litter box placement, try your best to stick with that.

We'll also now mention that, when selecting litter box location, also take into consideration how many cats you have. In homes with many cats, it is often ideal to spread litter boxes throughout the house, as best as possible. This is especially the case if there is any bullying amongst your cats. If all of the boxes are in one room, a bullied or timid cat might prefer to steer clear of using the restroom with other cats nearby, and therefore might begin out-of-box behavior elsewhere in the house. They even might simply hold their urine, which can lead to a variety of medical issues. So, especially in multicat homes, do consider the number of and comfort of all cats when deciding how few and far between to place the litter boxes. Then again, this consideration also might be important for even a single cat who is geriatric or has issues with mobility. For such a kitty, having multiple litter box options, in areas of the house where they most often hang out, can help them more easily urinate and defecate when and where needed.

There sure are a lot of considerations to make when it comes to that litter box. You of course have to choose a type of box, as well as how many. Once you have that settled, it's all about deciding where to place the litter boxes in your home. Fear not, though, as you and your kitty, or kitties, will figure it out. If nothing else, trial and error will often lead your kitty to letting you know what he or she prefers.


Yvonne said...

Great fill ins. We had similar answers for #3. I agree with you on #1 and #2. Hope you have a great weekend!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Pawsome answers and bloopers, and I love your frog! What a cutie!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers. I forgot you had a frog, that is so cool that she has lived so long. I had candles for #2, but I don't buy plants or flowers for people with pets either. Cute blooper and fun drawing. Excellent tips too. Have a nice weekend. XO

messymimi said...

We are blessed to have cats that ignore flowers in a vase if they are up in the kitchen windowsill.

Thank you, Eddy, for the glimpse of your wonderful self.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Supurr fill-ins and snap on #3! We wish mew a furbulous weekend, and oh my gosh, your froggie is epic! Eddy took a superb blooper this month, totally terrific!