Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Woof Woof Wednesday: Cozy Concrete

Astrid loves sitting out in her beloved back yard. It's one of her favorite places to be. Because it's just so cozy.

Because, really, who doesn't find a nap on the concrete patio to be so very comfy? I wish I'd though to pan out on that photo to show you all the nearby grass Astrid could instead choose. You can kind of see the grass in the upper right corner of that photo. Astrid is about a foot away from the grass, and yet she still chose to snooze on the concrete. And she does that all the time. So cozy.

Completely changing the subject, Astrid goes to the vet for her annual exam tomorrow. She's 10 years old and so will get her senior bloodwork and all that jazz as well. Given that she has lots of benign lipomas, and years ago had cancer on her foot, she will also get felt all over by her vet. Even though Astrid is acting like her completely normal, happy, hyperactive self, I always still get nervous that something of concern will be found. Though I really have no reason to worry, any good thoughts and prayers you can spare for Astrid's continued good health would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip is one a bit more for the dogs, but of course could be used for kitties if the situation applies. What we're talking about today is bell training. It can help to have a way for your dog to tell you they need to go to the bathroom. Since jumping and scratching at the door is not all that ideal, you can hang a bell, or a strand of bells, on the doorknob. Of course, make sure the design of the bell and any attachments are safe for your furbaby, especially if they're a chewer. Once you've selected and placed the bell to be used, training techniques such as positive reinforcement can be used to teach your dog to ring the bell prior to going outside to use the restroom. This will allow your dog to make the connection that, if they ring the bell on the door, they will be let out to use the restroom. Just as with any training, this may take time, but with patience, practice, and positive reinforcement, everyone involved can get the hang of it.


Eastside Cats said...

Maybe the patio exudes warmth?
Purring for Astrid.

pilch92 said...

Praying all goes well with Astrid's vet trip. Cute drawing and great tips.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You are too funny, Astrid! Sending lots of purrs.

catladymac said...

Sending Astrid purrayers and POTP !

messymimi said...

Maybe the concrete stays cooler and the grass is itchy to lie on.

I'm praying Astrid gets an A+ in the health department.