Monday, August 7, 2023

Mancat Monday: Totally Not a Baboon

Hello, friends! We had an eventful weekend that involved us losing power. It wasn't even storming, and it wasn't windy. There was a little bit of rain, but apparently that was enough to prompt a tree to take down a power line in our neighborhood. We're back up and running now, though, and just in time for Mancat Monday. Evan isn't all that thrilled today, however, because he's yet again at the vet's groomer getting his usual sanitary shave.

Every time Evan comes home freshly saved, I tell him what a handsome mancat he his. And that he kind of looks like a baboon. But Evan says he's totally not a baboon, and so I can just shut my mouth. The handsome part is of course correct, though.

For anyone newly visiting us, or for anyone who might not remember, Evan gets sanitary shaves at the vet's groomer because he has hind limb paralysis as well as urinary incontinence, and because he won't let me shave him myself at home. Sanitary shaves keep him clean, and have so far worked to reduce the UTIs he used to have more regularly. And they indeed make him so very handsome.

Happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today we have a quick and admittedly kind of sloppy spooky summer doodle I scribbled up last year. There are a few new spooky, ghostly doodles coming up soon, but for today here's this one.

Tip of the Day

Today we have the last tip in our litter box series. This tip is to consider using some sort of litter mat or tray, in order to keep your home environment free of as much rogue litter as possible. Litter often comes out of the box when our kitties dig and dig in the litter, or on our kitties' paws when they leave the box. This can ultimately result in litter not only outside of the box, but also throughout the house. To combat this, try placing a litter mat or tray under or outside of the litter box. There are such mats and trays available on the market, which are specifically designed to catch stray pieces of litter so that it can't travel throughout the rest of the house. For a cheaper option, though, you can also use a rug to catch litter, or you can even try something such as a boot tray. Another option is to place the litter box within a larger container, such as a giant storage container or a kiddie pool. This would allow for rogue litter to at least partially remain in that outer container, rather than spreading throughout the house. 

All of the above being said, litter mats and trays may not always be able to trap every piece of litter. So, to further help keep litter at bay and your house clean, do be sure to sweep up stray litter as often as possible. It's not a bad idea to make a habit of sweeping up rogue litter each time you scoop the box.

There are a number of options for helping keep stray litter from spreading throughout the house. You can buy specifically designed litter mats or trays, you can try a similar makeshift option, and you can of course keep a broom at the ready in the litter area. Of course, do make sure that any mats, trays, or other methods you use do not deter your kitty from using the litter box in the first place.


Eastside Cats said...

Evan, you are handsomeness personified!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Evan, you are the handsomest, and SO brave!

pilch92 said...

Evan is a handsome boy. I like the drawing and your tips are great too. Sorry you had power outages, that is such a pain.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

it iz impawtent to haz a cleen booty!

messymimi said...

Evan, you are so good to put up with being shaved. It can't be easy.