Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Woof Woof Wednesday with an Evan Cameo

Today, Astrid decided to share a photo of herself happily rolling belly up on the floor, something she does often.

That's when things took a turn, though. Since Monday's post focused on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, Evan didn't get to grace you all with his presence on Mancat Monday. So, he decided to join Astrid in her photo shoot so that he could co-star in her Wednesday post.

Astrid hopes none of you are invaded like she was today. Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

It's time for another spooky summer doodle. So, here you go.

Our Tip of the Day:

We're on our final tips in our series about kitty vet visits. Today's tip doesn't directly relate to the physical act of taking your cat to the vet, but it still can play a part in those vet visits. What we're talking about are a variety of ways that might help you pay vet bills. We have a number of thoughts on this topic, and so this will be a long one.

So, let's start with pet insurance. As most of you likely already know, you can indeed get insurance for your furbabies. Just as with humans, there are a variety of companies and policies to choose from, and so pet insurance can certainly involve some research in order to determine the best coverage for your furbaby. In the end, though, this research and the resulting coverage you select can potentially save you money. For example, depending on the policy you choose, you could possibly save a large sum of money in the event of an unexpected pet emergency that is at least partially covered by your pet's insurance.

All of the above being said, when it comes to pet insurance, do try to think ahead. If you are interested in starting your furbaby on a policy, perhaps do so when they're still young and healthy. One reason for this is that some companies and policies make it difficult, or even impossible, to acquire coverage for an animal who is already geriatric or sick. So, early on, consider the benefits you might obtain from pet insurance, do your research, and then do what is best for you and your furbaby.

Besides pet insurance, another option is CareCredit. CareCredit is a credit card that can be used to pay medical bills, such as vet bills. Just like pet insurance, this one will likely require some research to ensure it is a good fit. For example, not all vet clinics accept CareCredit as a means of payment. Therefore, you would want to find out if your preferred vet accepts CareCredit before applying for it.

In addition to all of the above, if needed, some vet clinics also allow for payment plans. Some vets are especially willing to do this for clients in good standing, and who have proven trustworthy and who have shown a willingness and ability to pay for funds in a timely manner. If you have large furry family, if you are faced with a pet emergency, or if there are other such circumstances, perhaps consider discussing with your veterinarian the possibility of making payments to cover your furbaby's bills. If you do so, of course also ensure that you understand all of the terms, and that you are able to make payments on time and in agreement with the payment plan.

One last idea we're sharing today is to simply do your best to have some sort of "pet emergency fund" in which you save money over time. Such a fund can come in handy especially if you do not have pet insurance or CareCredit, and if you don't use a payment plan at your vet clinic. Accidents and emergencies can indeed happen, and they can happen when you least expect it. What's more, resulting vet bills can potentially start racking up. So, if and when possible, try to determine ways to save even just a little money each week or month in order to contribute to a "pet emergency fund", so that you won't be left scrambling to find funds for your furbaby. Ways to save a little extra for such a fund might mean cutting back on eating out, cutting back on the number of coffees you buy, cutting back on your clothes spending, or cutting back on other luxuries. Rest assured, though, that passing on a special luxury or two is well worth it for your furbaby's health and happiness.

Furbabies make wonderful companions, but they are also, admittedly, not free. They require care, just like humans do, and that care does come with a cost. Therefore, always include your furbabies in your budget or other financing plans. This might require some research and money-saving measures, but our furbabies are always worth it.


Eastside Cats said...

Astrid, we really know that you care nothing for these photo sessions!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That really was an invasion! MOL

pilch92 said...

Very sweet photos. Nice drawing and great tips too.

messymimi said...

Astrid, thank you for sharing even when it's not your first choice.

The Island Cats said...

Sorry your space was invaded, Astrid!