Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thankful Thimble Thursday: TV Time

Hello, friends! It's Thursday, and Thimble is ready for Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

This week, the little tabby girl is grateful for TV time. After all, it means a warm lap to sit on. When Thimble's in the mood for lap time, that is.

Thimble and this here human mom of hers are also thankful that, like Tonks, Thimble got a good report from the vet. Thimble went for her annual exam at the same time as Tonks on Monday, and just yesterday her senior lab results came back looking good. Thimble's thyroid values have been trending upward for a couple of years. They're still in the normal range, and she's gained weight instead of lost weight, which means she's not currently facing hyperthyroidism. Since her value keeps inching up, though, we're being watchful for any symptoms that might arise. For now, though, Thimble is doing great, which brings me so much relief.


Now, let's share tomorrow's fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is _________.

2. If I won tickets to _________, I would give them away.

3. I think that those who _________ should _________.

4. When it comes to telling stories, I _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Doodle of the Day

Today's doodle is a new one. Well, it's new as in you haven't seen it before, but not so new as in I scribbled it up back in June. It was the drawing I used for my dad's Father's Day card, and it's based on a show our family has been watching lately, which seems apt for the photos Thimble shared above. Anyway, the show I'm referencing is called Trailer Park Boys, and it's all shades of chaos that my family happens to find funny. More so, one of the characters loves cats, and so lots of kitty characters make appearances. One of the kitties is a specially abled cat with a unique foot, as you can hopefully tell in this here doodle.

The kitties watching the TV are two of my parents' cats. On the left is tuxie Talon, who happens to be my girl Thimble's litter mate of a brother. On the right is Kipper, a dilute orange tabby of a color that none of my art markers matched perfectly, but that there is the best I could find. Both of these kitties find it so fun to sit in front of the TV at my parents' house, so obviously they made it into the drawing.


Tip of the Day

Today is our last tip relating to those feline vet visits. This tip actually far more of a general one, though. Today's tip is to remember your veterinarians, vet techs, and all of the staff at your vet clinic on special occasions. Whether it be Christmas, Veterinarian Appreciation Day (June 18th), Veterinary Technician Week (the third week of October), or another similar day, do consider sending some appreciation to those at your veterinary clinic. You can send a simple card, some flowers, a basket of goodies, or anything that demonstrates your appreciation for all they've done for your furbaby and yourself. Sometimes, being a veterinarian or veterinary staff member is a thankless job, or one that is forgotten in the shuffle. So, if you appreciate what your veterinary clinic has done for any and all of your furbabies, then do consider being one of those grateful customers who expresses their appreciation.


Brian's Home Blog said...

We're so glad that beautiful Thimble got a good report from the Vet, that's always one of the best thankful things! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

catladymac said...

Glad that Thimble and Tonks both got good vet reports ! Purrs !

messymimi said...

I'm thankful for Thimble's good report from the vet.

pilch92 said...

I am so happy that Thimble's blood work was good. She is such a cutie. I like the drawing and your tips are great. At Christmas, I always being a tray of cookies to the vet techs.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's wonderful news! And such adorable photos.