Friday, October 27, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins and Cat-o'-Lantern Outtakes

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. If I were to attend a Halloween party, my costume would be _________.

2. On Halloween, I plan to _________.

3. If my life were a scary movie, it would be titled _________.

4. If I found an ouija board, I would _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. If I were to attend a Halloween party, my costume would be a black cat.
(Pretty basic, huh? It's true, though. I actually already have a black cat onesie that I've worn the past couple years while handing out candy. It's complete with a tail as well as a hood that has cat ears and whiskers, so I'm all set.)

2. On Halloween, I plan to enjoy the spooktacular night from the comfort of my home.
(I love Halloween. I've mentioned that before. As much as I love it, though, I don't go out to Halloween parties or anything like that. I hand out candy to the neighborhood children, and then, with both my human and furry family, I enjoy pizza and far too much candy while watching Halloween and other frightfully festive movies. It's one of my favorite nights of the year.)

3. If my life were a scary movie, it would be titled Things That Go Bump in the Night.
(I live with things that go bump in the night. The main thing that goes bump in the night at my house is Tonks. You know, my little calico kitty who loves to wait until the rest of the house is asleep to parkour off of the walls, toss around her toys, wail at the ceiling, and all that fun jazz. I love her for it, though, so it's not really a scary movie at all.)

4. If I found an ouija board, I would run the other way.
(I'm not generally a very suspicious or easily spooked person, but an ouija board is one thing that I'm not about to mess with.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

You better believe blooper queen Eddy is here to share some outtakes. Today, her bloopers come from a photo shoot with one of our resident cat-o'-lantern whatnots. The first blooper may or may not have partially been my fault in terms of lighting, but Eddy did her fair share of refusing to look at the camera.

When I finally got the lighting right, Eddy simply decided she wasn't interested, leaving more than one elusive blooper like the one below.

Eddy wishes you all a frightfully festive Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Do you want to give your furbaby an extra fun treat for Halloween? We're thinking most of you already know that pet stores typically offer festive toy options around the holidays, including Halloween. Nevertheless, we're reminding you to consider looking for the pet store's festive holiday section, or for festive options in the general toy aisle. Of course, to save on cost, you can also opt to craft up your own homemade Halloween toy for you kitty or pup. If necessary and feasible, you can even use such festive new toys to help distract a furbaby who gets anxious or excited by the sounds and overall hustle and bustle of Halloween night festivities, such as trick-or-treaters visiting the house. Keep in mind, if you are handing out candy, festive new toys should be given in a safe area of the home, away from the door. And, yet another caveat is to always check new toys for any potentially dangerous parts and pieces, or to use only safe materials if you happen to craft your own homemade version. You know your kitty or pup best, so when picking out new festive toys for them, always keep in mind their tendencies to chew on or eat certain toys. It's fun to be festive, but it's also very important to be safe.


Eastside Cats said...

Completely agree with you on the ouija board front...get rid of them.

pilch92 said...

Great answers. I bet you make a cute black cat. My cats get freaked out when I wear cat ears. I use tarot cards sometimes, but would never mess with a Ouija board either. Eddy is the queen of outtakes. I love the drawing. And your tips are great. I just got some Temptations from Chewy for Halloween- tasty human flavored. :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Such fun bloopers! There were obviously some interesting things going on outside!

messymimi said...

You'd make a lovely black cat. I'm with you on the board, i don't play with the dark side.

Eddy, even your chin is cute.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Pawesome fill-ins, and epic bloopers!