Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Woof Woof Wednesday: Harassed by Halloween

Today, Astrid wanted you all to see the nonsense she's subjected to.

This poor pup was just trying to enjoy a viewing session at her favorite window, when this here human started snapping photos of her posing with Halloween whatnot. That there is one of the kitties' toys. Actually, it's a tiny little cat-o'-lantern basket that some Halloween toys arrived in from the store last year. Anyway, poor pup Astrid was forced into this photo shoot against her will, and the human didn't even get the lighting right. At least it looks spooky, at least sort of, all dark and shadowy like that. Even so, Astrid was less than impressed.

Astrid sure hopes you're not bothered by a silly human or harassed by Halloween like she was here. Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Our month-long Halloween tips continue. We've mentioned being aware of what decorations you use, and of course keeping in mind your furbaby's safety. Today, we're expanding on that. We're here to remind you to also keep in mind wildlife, as well as stray and feral cats, when decorating outdoors. Cords to light strands, for example, can be just as dangerous to outdoor animals as they can be to indoor animals. The same goes for candles, such as those in jack-o'-lanterns that you might set up on your porch. So for the safety of animals outdoors, keep cords outdoor-safe, and keep them as safely and securely hidden as possible. Just as we mentioned for indoor furbabies, you can use battery-operated or other artificial candles to prevent burns or fires when lighting jack-o'-lanterns outdoors. Again, though, do keep in mind that batteries and plastic pieces can also pose threats to animals.

One other particular outdoor Halloween decoration we want to address are artificial cobwebs. Please use these with caution, or simply not at all. These fake cobwebs could lead to animals outdoors becoming dangerously tangled. What's more, ingesting them can lead to issues such as bowel obstruction. Decorations such as artificial cobwebs might be fun and festive, but always keep the safety of both indoor and outdoor animals in mind when using any such products.


pilch92 said...

Cute shot of Astrid. I love the drawing. And the tips are great too- I never thought about outdoor animals having trouble with the cobwebs. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That little basket is SO cute!

messymimi said...

Astrid, you are so patient.