Friday, June 21, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Summertime Snuggles

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. My preferred method of procrastination is _________.

2. I always procrastinate when I am supposed to _________.

3. My goal of _________ is going really well.

4. If I opened a _________ shop, I would name it _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. My preferred method of procrastination is watching YouTube videos.
(I enjoy watching YouTube videos related to my interests and hobbies, such as cats, books, art, and so on and so forth. I'll often put in earphones during chore time and listen to such videos as if they were podcasts. I don't pay for any podcast or music apps, and so I use free YouTube. The problem is, when I start looking for a video to listen to while doing chores, I'll often end up just sitting there watching the videos while doing nothing.)

2. I always procrastinate when I am supposed to clean the bathroom.
(Is there anyone out there who actually enjoys the chore of cleaning the bathroom? I know I sure don't like it. Which is probably why this is my answer here.)

3. My goal of reading every day is going really well.
(Years and years ago I read all the time. This was obviously easier when I was a student and had more free time and just time off in general. Over the years I started reading less, especially after I joined the full-time workforce. So, at the beginning of this year, I made a goal to read every day. Even if I only have time to read for 5 minutes, that's better than nothing and ensures that I'm still setting aside time for my beloved books every day. I have not missed a single day of reading since January. I'm really proud of myself for that, not to mention it's helped me remember how much I truly love reading.)

4. If I opened a bookshop, I would name it Furballs and Fairytales.
(Because obviously the bookshop would also be the home of some kitties. Kind of like how there are cat cafes, I'd love to have a bookshop with resident cats. The kitties could be adoptable or permanent residents. I can even envision this hypothetical bookshop having fireplaces surrounded by chairs in which readers and cats could rendezvous.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Your Eddy fix for today comes in the form of this little tabby girl enjoying a sun puddle while curled up on the lap of this here mom of hers.

Summertime snuggles are rare thanks to that nasty heat. But, when Eddy agrees to snuggle despite the uncomfortable warmth, I just stay put and allow it. I'll risk sweating for some kitty cuddles.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

I've mentioned multiple times during this nearly 100°F week that I'm in the mood for autumn and Halloween. Because of this, I'm scribbling up some new spooky doodles of a summery sort. As I work on those, we're sharing some flashbacks in a similar vein, like this one here.

Tip of the Day

Today's summer safety tip for strays, ferals, and other outdoor furbabies revolves around water. Water is, as you certainly know, incredibly important for all life. It's especially important for staying hydrated and cool in the summer heat. That being said, today we have some quite logical albeit important tips for helping strays, ferals, and other outdoor furbabies stay hydrated this summer.

Not only is it important to keep water in a shaded area or shaded shelter, as we mentioned yesterday, but it's also important to keep fresh water available in abundance. Especially in the summer heat, it is not possible to offer too much water. Strays and ferals may very well drink, and need to drink, far more water in the heat. Not to mention, in the heat, water can evaporate very quickly. For these reasons, try to offer extra bowls of water.

Furthermore, try to keep those bowls of water as fresh and clean as possible. Refill them as often as you can, and clean them as needed. Bugs, leaves, and all sorts of other outdoor debris can find their way into water bowls. Sometimes, cats and other animals may be unable to or unwilling to drink from a bowl that has debris floating in it or that is in another way dirty. In some cases, it's also unhealthy and dangerous to drink water this has been contaminated by certain debris. So, do try to keep those bowls and the water inside them fresh and clean.

For extra chill in that water, and perhaps even to give it a bit tad bit more ability to combat evaporation in the heat, you can also try putting ice cubes in the water bowls that are available to strays and ferals. Of course, do keep in mind the furbabies' preferences when doing this. Some animals will not drink from water that has something floating in it, so if this is the case, then refrain from putting ice cubes in at least some water bowls.

All in all, never forgot that fresh, clean water can of course be crucial to comfort and survival in the summer heat. So, offer lots and lots of water for those strays, ferals, and other outdoor furbabies. What's more, keep an eye on those water bowls, and try to ensure that they remain full and free of debris.


Sandee said...

1. My preferred method of procrastination is playing games on my computer.
2. I always procrastinate when I am supposed to be doing housework.
3. My goal of keeping my weight off is going really well.
4. If I opened a boating shop, I would name it Anewatee. The name of our boat.

Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

Yvonne said...

Beautiful Eddy pics! I love the name you would use for a bookshop. It's perfect. You Tube videos can be very addicting. Have a great weekend!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers, especially the name for your bookstore. I am glad you have been making time to read. Very cute shots of Eddy. I love the drawing and your tips are great. Have a nice weekend. XO

messymimi said...

Furballs and Fairytales, I like that. Reading is my happy place, but I wish I could do more -- doggone work!

Eddy cuddles would be worth a little excess warmth.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I miss kitty cuddles SO much during the summer. Love the name of your shop!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were really good answers and Eddy is quite the cutie!