Monday, June 24, 2024

Mancat Monday with Megacolon

My poor mancat Evan is have a hefty flare of constipation. He's on 3 medications for megacolon, but sometimes even those get their butts kicked. While we work through this, he's at least still my cuddly little momma's boy.

That's Evan napping on my leg on the couch this weekend. He tucked his head under that pillow all on his own, so I just left it there. He didn't even flinch when housemate Winky came over to snooze on the pillow, effectively squishing Evan's head.

If you have any purrs and prayers to spare for this poor constipated boy, both Evan and I would appreciate it. I've upped his meds to their extreme maximum. That often ultimately results in pretty gnarly diarrhea, but we're doing our best to clear out that colon. If this increase in his usual meds doesn't do the trick, this poor boy will have to get an enema. Let's hope we can avoid that.

Happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

We have yet another flashback summertime spooky doodle, since I'm already ready for autumn and Halloween.

Tip of the Day

We're continuing on with our tips on summer safety for outdoor strays and ferals. Today we're moving on to the topic of food. When feeding furbabies outdoors, you of course have to take into consideration the heat of summer. Food can spoil in extreme heat, as you all surely know. Dry food is often the best one to feed strays and ferals on hot days. After all, moist food will spoil far more quickly, and will also quickly dry out in the sun and heat. You can try adding additional water to moist food to keep it from drying out too quickly, but even this method won't be able to combat the heat for long. No matter what type of food you feed to strays and ferals, do try to keep it in a shaded area or under a shaded shelter. What's more, remove old food and offer fresh food as often as is possible and needed.

It's also worth noting that though dry food is easier and safer to feed to outdoor cats in the heat, you still have to take precautions. Not only can dry food lose its freshness and safe status in the heat, but also think of instances such as rainy days. Dry food that gets wet will swell, become unappetizing, and can easily spoil if not cleaned up. So, when feeding dry or even moist food, of course keep in mind not only the heat, but other environmental factors such as rain. All in all, keep those strays and ferals healthy this summer with fresh food that is in the shade and protected from spoilage and other issues as best as possible.


Eastside Cats said...

Purrs for Evan to be back to normal very, very soon.

catladymac said...

We send Evan many purrayers and Power of the Paw. We hope he is better very soon !

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That poor baby! He's being attacked by something constantly :(

pilch92 said...

Poor sweet Evan. He is in my prayers always. I like the drawing and your tips are great. XO

messymimi said...

Of course, I will be praying for him and you.

Fur Everywhere said...

Sending you purrs and prayers and love, Evan and Mom Lorianne!! <3