Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tonks Tuesday in the Window

Hello, friends. Thank you for the prayers for my neighbor in yesterday's post. I found out this morning that she passed away in the middle of the night, with her husband by her side. They were not expecting her to pass so soon, but she was sleeping and at peace. She's now with her heavenly loved ones, including her angel kitty Tiki and angel pup Mikey. Angel Tiki was a sweet boy who appeared on our blog multiple times, as he visited our yard almost daily until he passed away last summer. I'm sure he greeted my neighbor at the gates.

A parade of my neighbor's family, friends, and co-workers drove by their house on Sunday. She was in her front yard and got to see all of it. We could see it from our house, as we live right across the street from them, and Tonks watched the entire time.

For the record, in that last photo, Tonks is actually watching a bird in a bush outside the window. We live in a one-story house, so that's not Tonks looking down at the street. She loves her some good bird-watching as well as neighbor-watching.

Sending you all wishes for sunshine today!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We're continuing on with tips related our furbabies' eating and drinking habits. To start this off today, we’re here to remind you to be cognizant of the material out of which your furbaby's bowl is made. When possible, steer clear of plastic bowls. This is in large part because plastic can be easily scratched, and these scratches can harbor all sorts of bacteria and other microbes. This can lead to issues such as feline chin acne. Stainless steel bowls, or even ceramic, are often recommended. If you do use or have to use plastic bowls for any reason, be sure to clean them frequently, and to replace them as needed, such as if you notice scratches. This will help prevent bacterial growth and issues such as feline chin acne. Eating and drinking are of course crucial to our furbabies’ daily lives, so do be sure to pay attention even to details such as the types of bowl they are using.


pilch92 said...

I am sorry about your neighbor. That is nice that she got to see the parade of loved ones though. Tonks is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips too. XO

catladymac said...

Good timing that we could add our prayers to send your neighbor on her way in peace. Not that she needed extras, but they couldn't hurt.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Tonks looks very solemn in the second photo! So sad about your neighbor. She was way too young.

messymimi said...

I am still praying for the whole family.

Tonks is beautiful and I'll bet she misses nothing that goes on outside of her beloved window.