Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Feeling Better on Tonks Tuesday

Yesterday, poor Tonks wasn't feeling too great. She vomited a few times, and also passed some less than ideal stool. She slept most of the day, a little like this:

Tonks has had very similar issues before, a couple times in the past couple years. I think it usually occurs when she's eaten canned food of various fishy varieties, but I need to monitor that more to make a true connection. Either way, Tonks is feeling much better today and is back to her usual happy, active self. I'm very glad for that. She and Thimble have their dental surgeries next week, and I of course didn't want Tonks to be ill for that.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Our current series of tips is about disaster and emergency preparedness for both yourself and your furbaby. Today's tip on this topic is to contemplate and decide on a proper caregiver for your furbaby, should there be an emergency rendering you incapable of caring for them. Thinking on such unfortunate hypothetical situations is never something anyone looks forward to, but it is nonetheless something important to consider. You will want to ensure that someone you trust might be prepared to care for your kitty or pup in an emergency. It is of course important to discuss this with the person in question, and to ensure that they are truly able and willing to take on the care of your furbaby, should the need arise. In some cases, this might mean including in your will that this person would become your furbaby's caregiver. Overall, though not an ideal topic with which to occupy your mind, it is indeed significant to have a safe and secure plan for your furbaby's care should something render you incapable of caring for them. Think of family or friends whom you trust, whom your furbaby knows, and whom have displayed an ability and willingness to take on the care of your kitty or pup.


messymimi said...

Some of my cats loathe salmon, it doesn't like them, either. It might be better to stick to chicken, it's probably easier on the tummy.

meowmeowmans said...

We're so glad Tonks is feeling better today!

catladymac said...

So glad Tonks us better ! Purrayers that all your furbabies have good health.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

So glad you're feeling better! Mudpie gets that way when she cons me out of too many treats too :(

pilch92 said...

Poor Tonks. I am glad she is feeling better. Nice drawing and great tips. XO