Monday, September 9, 2024

Mancat Monday with the Mama's Boy

It's Mancat Monday, and today Evan is doing a happy little jig.

This mama's boy is excited because this week, this here human mom of his took off of work and so will be home a lot more than usual.

I actually took this week off because my parents and sister are on a vacation halfway across the country. I don't enjoy traveling and prefer to be close to my home and kitties and pup, and so I chose to stay behind to take care of the furry family members. Between my parents, my sister, and myself, we have 18 kitties and of course pup Astrid, as well as a dozen or so fish and a frog. I don't mind caring for them all, though, and I'm honestly just happy to have a week off of work.

You'd think I'd be posting early in the day here on our blog, and that I wouldn't have missed yet another weekend of posts, since I'm not working my full-time job. But, this is actually one of the first times I've even turned on my computer since last week. I did get a number of big chores done this weekend, though, and so I hope to get back on track with blogging as well as getting lots of art and writing done this week. We'll see what the kitties and pup allow.

Happy Monday to all!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

I'm pretty sure I haven't shared this doodle yet this season, but it's another flashback I wanted to share this month, as we transition from summer to autumn. We're also approaching my favorite season to mow the lawn, since it's usually more crisp and cool outside, hence this doodle.

Tip of the Day

Today's autumn pet safety tip is all about those windows. We've shared many tips on this topic in the past, but here we go again. After all, as the temperatures cool down this autumn, we might find ourselves craving some fresh air. Before opening any windows, though, be sure to inspect screens and take any and all precautions to ensure that no furbabies escape from any open windows. If you have an escape artist, perhaps block their direct access to windows, such as by putting something in front of the window that will prevent them from getting right next to the screen. Also never leave furbabies unattended with an open window, but instead monitor them closely when windows are open. Perhaps this all sounds like extreme measures, but a lost furbaby is a devastating thing, and it is always better to be safe than sorry.

That's not all we have on those windows, though. Also keep in mind the health of your furbabies, and yourself, when windows are open. Does your furbaby, or yourself, have asthma? What about allergies? If your kitty or pup has any such respiratory issues, open windows might not be an ideal thing. Allergens, dust, dirt, and all sorts of debris can enter through the window screen with the aid of the wind. This debris can lead to asthma attacks, itching, scratching, and other potential side effects in furbabies who do have asthma, allergies, or other similar medical issues. So, though open windows can be very enticing when the weather is cool and crisp, never forget to take into consideration all potential side effects.


pilch92 said...

Evan is such a cutie. Glad you have some time off, but taking care of 18 furbabies is a full time job. :)Nice drawing and great tips. I learned the hard way about windows. I was lucky to get Bridget back. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'd prefer taking care of all those animals to travelling too!