Thursday, September 19, 2024

Late Night Thankful Thimble Thursday

Hello and happy Thursday, friends! You better believe Thimble is here for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble is grateful for nighttime cuddles. Especially when they're at 2 o'clock in the morning and she woke her mom up to get them.

Thimble is usually the kitty who wins the spot on the bed that is me. She indeed sleeps on top of me most nights, and she's not only a very cuddly cat, but a very actively cuddly cat. While she usually sleeps pretty well once she's fallen asleep, she still sometimes wakes up and just simply wants cuddles. And she'll wake me up to let me know that. She most often does this by using her little paw to poke me anywhere and everywhere on my face. My mouth, nose, and eyelids are the usual targets.

On the night that photo was taken, I turned on a light to get a good view of her face when she insisted I wake up for cuddles. Honestly, just look at her. You can't even be mad at that for a single second. And don't worry, she got her cuddles.


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ is a blog I enjoyed that is no longer there.

2. I won't ever _________ again.

3. I once injured myself while _________.

4. I usually get _________ hours of sleep.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day. I didn't get a new doodle scribbled up for this, but it did remind me of a Halloween doodle I have from a couple years ago. Has anyone seen Garfield's Halloween Adventure? In it, Garfield and Odie dress up as pirates and find themselves at a haunted sort of home. Since I'm a huge fan of Halloween, I'll go ahead and share this spooky little pirate doodle now, in September, before autumn has even officially begun. Because why not.

Tip of the Day

As we mentioned yesterday, we're in National Disaster Preparedness Month. Our newest series of tips, therefore, relates to this. These are repeat tips, but perhaps it's a topic worth repeating. Today, we're here to discuss having emergency supplies and travel kits prepared, should you and your furbaby need to evacuate suddenly. After all, destructive hurricanes, tornadoes, and other such disasters can, sadly, put people and their pets in the line of danger, as well as without a place to live. Therefore, especially if you are in an area where disasters might lead to evacuation, but also of course simply to be prepared for an emergency, do consider having an emergency kit prepared for your kitty or pup.

When preparing an emergency travel kit, think of the things your pup or kitty might use or need on a daily basis, or even weekly basis. Anything that they need on a regular basis can, of course, be included in an emergency kit. For example, an emergency kit for your furbaby would do well to include a week or so worth of their food, water bottles, bowls, and any medications they require. That is often not all that can or should be included in a cat or dog's emergency travel kit, though. If you rack your brain for anything that might be useful in your furbaby's emergency kit, you might consider a blanket or two, a spare leash, a carrier, a transportable litter box, litter, toys, your cat or dog's medical records, pictures of your cat or dog, and even cleaning supplies, such as paper towels and dish soap. All in all, consider anything and everything your furbaby uses or needs on a regular basis, and then create a travel kit based on that. In the case of an emergency, having such supplies already prepared can allow for you and your furbaby to evacuate and get to safety in a timely manner.

1 comment:

pilch92 said...

Thimble is a cutie. How sweet that she wakes you for cuddles. :) I love the drawing and your tips are great. XO