Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: Every Day Is Halloween

Today, Tonks wanted to share a particular flashback of her cute self. This was snapped roughly a year ago.

The reason Tonks wanted to share that flashback is because she still plays with those toys a lot, and she even snapped some new photos with some of them recently. She wants to share those new photos soon, but since the toys have been a little too well-loved, Tonks was afraid you wouldn't be able to tell what they are unless you saw this old photo with them. It makes me so happy and proud that some of Tonks's favorite toys are Halloween ones. She loves them all year round, and that's fine by me. After all, as some say, every day is Halloween.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

We had some gorgeous days that were not much above 60°F. We're back to nearly 90°F, though, so we're bringing autumn back here with a doodle.

Tip of the Day

We're still in the midst of our series of autumn pet safety tips. Today's such tip is to take precautions if you are walking your pup or kitty on autumn evenings. This time of year, it starts growing dark earlier in the evening. Therefore, if you head out with your furbaby on a walk in the evening, such as after getting home from work, be sure to wear bright colors, and make sure that your furbaby's collar, leash, and/or harness is adorned with reflectors. This way, if your furbaby is out on a walk with you after it has grown dark for the night, both your furbaby and yourself can be more easily seen and avoided by potentially dangerous traffic. Of course, when walking your furbaby in the dark, also do your best to select a route that is the safest one possible. After all, as always, it's better to be safe than sorry.


pilch92 said...

Cute shot of Tonks with her Halloween goodies. I like the drawing and your tips are great. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You chose the purrfect toys!!!