Speaking of Friday, it's time for the always fun Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by our great pals over at 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader.

Here are the fill-ins our clever hosts came up with this week:
1. Yesterday, _________.
2. _________ regift _________.
3. My favorite holiday leftover is _________.
4. The best part of a long, holiday weekend is _________.
And here are my best attempts at doing them proud:
1. Yesterday, I stuffed myself full.
(I regret nothing.)
2. I never regift an item that I know is from the heart.
(If a gift is from family or a dear friend, if it was carefully chosen just for me, I will never regift it. Even if it's something not all that up my alley, it will still stay with me. It's the thought that counts! That being said, I rarely regift anyway. The only time I might even consider regifting in any way is when I've received something impersonal and completely unrelated to me. Such gifts are usually those from simple acquaintances and the like. Even then, I don't prefer to give such things as actual gifts, but more as a "here, do you need one of these?" sort of thing.)
3. My favorite holiday leftover is sweet potatoes.
(Remember last week, when I mentioned how my love for sweet potatoes is sort of new? Well, new or not, I really do like these taters. I don't have sweet potatoes on a regular basis throughout the year, so whether they're freshly made or leftovers, I savor them. I'll even eat them cold and as a dessert when I have them leftover in my fridge.)
4. The best part of a long, holiday weekend is more time with family and furbabies!
(There's nothing like an extended stay at home to visit with loved ones and snuggle the wazoo out of the furbabies in my life.)
Now, before my furbabies and I move on to our traditional day-after-Thanksgiving decking of the halls and singing Christmas carols nonstop, how about your Eddy fix? For that Eddy fix today, you get a flashback photo that I posted last year. Given that we are now in the purrfect Christmas spirit, I figured it was a good time to give you all a reminder of the Christmas Tree Terrorist that lived at our house last year. See?
Last year was Eddy's first Christmas, and she sure made the most of it. Which is probably why today's art, the first of which will likely be a great many Christmasy pieces, looks a little like this:
Warm wishes to all!
Our Tip of the Day:As Christmas approaches, please always keep in mind your furbaby's safety when decorating. When putting up a Christmas tree, consider whether you have a climber, and therefore whether you might need any special Christmas tree fortifications. Also be cautious what types of decorations go on the tree, or anywhere around the house. Tinsel, for example, can be hazardous, especially for those furabies who try to or do ingest it. And of course light strands must be strung as safely as possible, and it is perhaps most wise to keep all cords unplugged and out of reach when you are unable to monitor your furbaby around them. Don't forget to consider those ornaments, too! Do you have a batter or swatter of a kitty? If so, be cautious what types of ornaments are within their reach, if any. Christmas is indeed a wonderful, magical time of year. But, don't forget to always consider your furbaby's safety when decking those halls!
Bet Eddy was the cutest ornament on your tree!
We love your artwork! Fabulous! Eddy looks cute in the tree!
Great fill-ins! We especially like not regretting anything!
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins,I always enjoy your answers. Sweet potatoes are yummy. I am glad you had a nice family filled day yesterday. I love the photo of Eddy in your Christmas tree- too cute.I have photo of Phoebe in our tree from many years ago, but it wasn't decorated at the time. Very cute art, I can picture Eddy spinning around and getting tangled up. I am nervous about Brody with the tree this year. I am going to put it up and leave it undecorated for a few days to see what happens. Enjoy your weekend!
That is a cute photo and drawing of Eddy. I used to be the Christmas tree terrorist here when I was younger. My mum had 2 robins that went on the tree every year. They were covered in felt and feathers. One year when she took the tree down she found a naked plastic bird. Then she found the felt and feather covering amongst the branches. The other robin always went to the top of the tree after that.
Have fun decorating with your fur babies! I've always anchored my tree to the baseboard. Never had a problem with my kitties, but why take a chance?
I had a tree cat, Dolly. Good thing she was a tiny cat. Best of days when there is no regret. I love sweet taters. Have them often all year long. Sweet potato fries are really good with cinnamon sugar sprinkled on them.
Ernie is the tree climber here. That's why our tree doesn't go up until a week or two before Christmas.
The art is purrfection. Christmas is such a great time to make so many cute things. Eddy in the tree brigs back so many memories...Skooter pulling our tree down as company came up the front walk, and MacKenzie climbing the tree his first year. Fun times. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
I agree with you fill-ins! Thank you for joining us, as always.
I strongly suspect George will love the tree. We have had some climb tree, some undecorate them, some try to eat them. One dog peed on it, another tried to drink the water. Yes. Love them furkids!
Those are great tips regarding kitties and Christmas tree safety. Our Angel Xerxes was a batter. We had some twirly, sparkly, non-breakable ornaments that he could reach. He loved to watch them spin. :)
I love the First Christmas art piece and especially the Christmas Tree Terrorist photo - funny!
Have a blessed week. :)
Love the Christmas tree terrorist. Xerxes loved his only Christmas tree. He liked to play with the ornaments. Suzanne made sure they were not breakable and we always supervised him near the tree.
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