Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday Selfie Shenanigans

We've reached another one of our favorite blog hops, which is that of the Sunday Selfies, hosted by our pals over at The Cat on My Head.

Some weeks, I have to beg my furbabies for even one meager selfie to share. This week, though, all of my little creatures decided to snap a shot for this fun blog hop.

Evan, of course, went for a photo by his beloved front door. He loves when the sun shines in, making for a glorious sun puddle, and making him look as if he has no ears...

Thimble, always the model...

Eddy, well, she of course snapped a wonderfully dark and blurry selfie to share with you all...

Astrid went on a day trip with us yesterday to visit family. That made for one tired pup who could barely, just barely stay awake to snap her selfie late last night...

I can't speak for quality, but I sure do love it when all of my furbabies agree on snapping a selfie. How did they do this week?

For today's art, I realized that I simply had not drawn enough of my sweet angel Rosie these days. Obviously, the way to fix that is to draw her all festive and hanging out in a stocking.

We hope everybuddy is having a merry Christmas season!

Our Tip of the Day:
Yesterday we gave a tip about always monitoring your furbabies when they are assisting you in helping wrap presents, especially when potentially dangerous items such as ribbon, scissors, and tape are involved. Today we're going to take that tip one step further and advise you to be careful when attempting to assist your furbaby if they have ingested a ribbon or other similar item. Sometimes, if an animal has ingested such an item, you might find a portion of it protruding from your furbaby's mouth or anus. In such a case, be very, very careful and cautious about pulling on the ribbon to remove it. This is in part because ribbon can cause lacerations to the esophagus and intestinal tract, especially if yanked on. Similarly, if your furbay's ingestion of a ribbon is evidenced by it protruding from the anus, you have to again be careful, as simply pulling on it could result in further damage, such as by perforation of the bowels if the ribbon has become lodged somewhere internally. If you find yourself in a situation with ribbon protruding from your furbaby, it is sometimes safe to very gently and slowly pull on the ribbon to see if it is easily removed and therefore only superficial. If you do this, though, and the ribbon is not easily removed or if it proves to be a long piece with no end in sight, or especially if your furbaby is acting uncomfortable or in any way displaying abnormal symptoms, it would be best to avoid risk of damage and to consult a veterinarian for professional advice on removal of the ribbon. Of course, to avoid such issues altogether, keep that ribbon out of reach of the furbabies in your life!


meowmeowmans said...

You all did GREAT with those selfies, sweet pals. We can see that Astrid is totally tired out after her fun family visit. :)

That drawing of your sweet Angel Rosie is super precious. We can never get enough of Rosie!

Hugs to you all!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Wow! I'm impressed that Eddy stood still long enough for a selfie! We're jealous of your sun. Great selfies, kitties and pup!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Every selfie a winner in our book, but we have to say Evan always makes us smile, and in fact I am envious that you have a special door that has sun puddles attached!
purrs ERin


WE love your selfies!

Marg said...

Looks like everyone did a great selfie for themselves. Love the drawing of Rosie.

The Swiss Cats said...

Wonderful selfies ! Purrs

Annie Bear said...

They did great! They never disappoint. Astird's tired selfie is so cute.

We're happy to see a drawing of Rosie looking so happy and festive. :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

They all did just purrfect! And I love your Angel Rosie in her stocking :)

pilch92 said...

Great selfies, Eddy always comes up with a unique pose. I love the drawing of your Angel Rosie, she was such a beautiful girl ( I a partial to calicos). And that is a great tip. Ribbon is so dangerous.

The Island Cats said...

Great selfies this week even if it looks like Evan has no ears. ;)

sprinkles said...

I'm always amazed each week that you're able to get a selfie of each of your wonderful kitties. My boys will avoid the camera like the plague and most end up either of the back of their heads or the photo is blurry. bol

Love that drawing of Rosie.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

What a great little family.

Chirpy Cats said...

Love all the selfies, and great tips about the ribbon. Hope all kitties will be safe this holiday season.

Katie and The Katz said...

we loves alla dem selfies cause we loves you guyz... the mom am wondering if your human would draw a kitty furs us... let us know cause I needs my photo drawn of when i was a kitten smelling roses... purrz of Meowry Christmas furry soon. -Katie Kitty Too

The Menagerie Mom said...

Hello there, Katie! I sure can draw a kitty for you (I just hope I can do pretty little you a justice!). Just help your mom email me at with details, photos, etc. Purrs to you!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ok so I am a HUGE fan of Thimble's. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that photo! catchatwithcarenandcody

Dash Kitten Crew said...

I love Evan he's a gorgeous cat!!!