Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday Funday

Today, we have fun.

This time of year, there can be so much hustle and bustle, and it's so easy to exhaust ourselves with it. On top of that are all of the recent losses in this blogging community of ours, with so many angels gaining their wings. Sometimes, in the midst of all of this, one of the most important things you can do is take a deep breath and just let yourself have a little fun. So, that's what we're doing today.

We'll start this off like we always do on Friday, with the fantastic Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by the fantastic 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader.

We were so excited when we first saw the fill-ins for this week, because they're all full of festive fun! Here they are:

1. I love the following Christmas film(s): _________.

2. I don't care for the following Christmas film(s): _________.

3. At the holidays, I cannot resist _________.

4. A favorite holiday memory of mine is _________.

I put on my thinking cap Santa hat, and here's what happened:

1. I love the following Christmas films: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Elf, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and A Garfield Christmas.
(These are just a few of my favorite Christmas movies and specials that I watch every single year, usually more than once. I also love watching some of the older Christmas specials of some of my favorite television shows. Although perhaps I'm one of the few here who might say this, I love watching the Little House on the Prairie Christmas episodes, because they're festive in such a quaint and simple way.)

2. I don't care for the following Christmas film: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
(I feel like such a Scrooge for giving this answer. To be honest, though, Rudolph's story has always been a bit too sad for my taste. And, although I can't quite put my finger on why, and although I feel terrible saying this, this little film just kind of creeps me out overall.)

3. At the holidays, I cannot resist fudge.
(There's not much more I can say about this. I mean, it's fudge.)

4. A favorite holiday memory of mine is when Frost the Snowman made my life difficult.
(This is a weird one, isn't it? This goes back to when I was in high school and did a lot of babysitting, especially around holidays when parents were off at Christmas parties and the like. One such Christmastime night, I was babysitting for a little girl, and we sat down to watch Frosty the Snowman before her bedtime. We made it all the way to the end, to the scene where Santa Claus gives Karen a lift home, at which point he drops her off, well, on the roof. This is where watching TV with kids can get a bit iffy, because the little girl I was babysitting suddenly gasped, wailed "But how is she going to get in her house from up there?!?", and then proceeded to get teary-eyed with worry. Gee, Santa, thanks for that. How was I supposed to encouragingly say, "Don't worry, sweetie, she'll just slide down that steep, snow-covered roof and pop right inside through that tiny window there." Although I found myself in a bit of a jam on that night all those years ago, I now laugh every time I watch that scene of Frosty.)

Now, on to the next bit of fun. As seems fitting, Eddy will be the star of our contribution to this month's Pet Blogger Bloopers Round-Up, hosted by The Lazy Pit Bull.

Eddy's bloopers started off as far more promising than they look. It began with me walking into my bedroom to find her sitting all prim and proper and perfectly calm on my bed. I thought I'd immortalize that rare image by obtaining photographic evidence, but by the time I whipped out my camera, she instead decided it was time to start clambering up to her favorite spot on the post of my headboard.

Given that she's a cat and all, I thought the process would have involved some semblance of grace. She was just a tad bit lacking in that arena, though.

Looks like an awful lot of work, Eddy, especially given that there's a perfectly good window just one room over.

Whew. You made it, Eddy! Bravo!

Well, with that accomplished, what's up next? How about some art? Some Christmas art? Maybe a panda in a Santa hat?

This human here loves her some panda bear, which is probably why this was one of the first ornaments I drew this season. This little guy wishes you a beary merry Christmas!

And you know what other fun news we have to share with you today? We recently got a little something special in the mail!

The furbabies around here think this mom of theirs is a real party pooper, though, because she decided to make them wait until just a little closer to Christmas to open up and delve into the goodies inside that glorious box. That being said, we do now know the identity of our Secret Santa Paws! But, we're going to make you all wait and see who it is, because we're cruel like that. Our Secret Santa Paws know who they are, though, and we want to thank you! Getting this box made our day, our week, our Christmas season! We can't wait to dig in (although we already know that we're going to love what's inside)!

We also got something else fantastic in the mail recently, which you will see tomorrow. So, stay tuned!

We're sending you all warm wishes, and we hope you have yourselves a fun Friday!

Our Tip of the Day:
Especially at busy times of the year such as this, always remember that our furbabies can sense and feed off of our own emotions. If you're feeling stressed this holiday season, so will your furbaby. So, although life can sometimes make it tough, always try to stay positive and be happy. After all, that's the best and most healthy state for both you and your furbaby!


Marg said...

Good Job Eddy. Now you can see out that window. We love the Panda bear drawing. Too cute. Now, we have to tell you we love that Rudolph. He is our favorite. You all have a great day.

Mariodacat said...

It's so hard to wait and open prezzies later. I have to wait until Christmas Eve when we open ours. That's forever to a kitty.

pilch92 said...

Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always love your answers. I completely understand about Rudolph, I never watch it either for the same reason. I always cried when Rudolph floats off alone on the ice. I like how you comforted the little girl during Frosty.
Great blooper of Eddy, she never disappoints in that area :) Very cute panda too.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Cats ... doing everything the hard way since ... EVER :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Eddy, you remind me a bit of George, but more like Chloe Jo. She does everything the hard way. XO
Great fill-ins, as always. But, Rudolph?! I did not add that one, but it is a favourite. I think it is because he proves his worth and is accepted just the way he is. That is a gift we all need. And fudge? Yes, please. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Great foto. We can't wait to see what ya'll got. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Aw, poor Eddy! LOL And your Frosty story is too funny. And you're not alone on Little House, I adore those episodes too. Actually, the whole series! (Something else we have in common!)

The Island Cats said...

Great blooper, Eddy! The mom says you had her at fudge. ;)

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

Our youngest daughter is really into animation. We once watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer frame-by-frame. If one really pays close attention to the movie, one finds that Santa is a twerp in this movie. We have the DVD somewhere. One can't go wrong with A Charlie Brown Christmas. It tries to communicate the true meaning of Christmas.

Kitties Blue said...

That panda ornament is so cute. Our mom is also a panda fan. Mom has not even wrapped our Santa Paws gifts yet. We're going to need to get out our whappy paws and whip her into shape. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Suzanne McClendon said...

I love the Little House on the Prairie Christmas episodes! I rearranged my life around that show when I was a teenager. It is probably my all time favorite series. :)

Fudge definitely does not need any explanation whatsoever. haha

Eddy's photos are cute as is the panda ornament.

Have a blessed day and a very Merry Christmas!