Now, do you remember Thimble's selfie from Sunday? In you don't, here it is again.
Thimble wanted her furiends to know that this glamorous shot of hers wasn't the only picture from this photo shoot. No, indeed. In fact, during this photo shoot, a bit of a revelation was made. You see, when Thimble sat down for this photo shoot, she realized something.
When she posed in front of the back door, behind which sits the container with the beloved cat food, Thimble noticed something off about said container. It holds cat food. You know, cat food. The food that feeds adorable little whiskered felines. Yet, just look, there's a dog on the container!
Needless to say, Thimble was not all that pleased at this revelation. She let this here mom know that it was not only unacceptable for her to grab some ol' food bin from the dog aisle, but to also keep that smiling dog slapped on the front of it. I was informed that a cat food bin should be adorned with the glorious face of a feline, like Thimble herself!
*eye roll*
I'm sorry, Thimble. I hope you can forgive me.
And, as if that little debacle wasn't eventful enough, we're now switching gears to a completely different side of this Thursday. For the first time, we are participating in Thoroughly Poetic Thursday, hosted by the one and only Angel Sammy and Teddy from Two Spoiled Cats.

I have never been any semblance of a poet. I do love to write, but I typically stick to things like blog posts and fun little stories and the like. Poetry has never been my strong suit. But, what's life without a bit of challenge? Still, though, I ended up having to come up with a silly little idea to help me out during these next 26 weeks. Worried that I would have no idea how or where to begin each week, I thought of a sort of theme for all of my poems to meet. That's how terrible I am at poetry. I had to cheat before I even began.
Anyway, Poetic Thursdays are starting from the beginning again, the letter this week being A. We are allowed to pick an A word of our choice with which to be poetic. Or, our wonderful hosts have also started a new tradition of providing some prompt words, which can be used if the poets so desire. This week's prompts are ants, anger, apples, or ankles. This time around, I did not choose one of the prompts
But, that's enough rambling. Here is the best I could manage at creating a poem for the letter A:
Annie the Astronaut
Annie knows all about bravery,
For she goes on adventures ever so savory.
But she does not travel by land, no.
Annie does not scale mountains capped with snow,
Nor does she set sail in a boat meant to row.
Neither tundra nor forest does Annie see.
Where she goes stands not even a single tree.
Annie ventures neither left nor right,
And not even Down Under does she alight.
Rather, Annie sets off for the opposite of day.
And whatever does that mean, do you say?
Well, you see, Annie’s adventures take her up, up, and away.
Her take off she’s again and again rehearsed.
To be land-bound, for Annie, that is the worst.
And so she visits the skies beneath which we sleep,
The vast skies in which can be heard not even a peep.
Annie travels that land of the twinkling eyes,
That land way up high, the land of night skies.
Yes, it is adventures with stars that Annie has long sought,
For Annie, you see, she is an astronaut.
I also decided to illustrate each of the poems that I muddle my way through. And so, here is Annie the Astronaut:
Last but certainly not least, we're participating in Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thimble wanted to lead us, and she says she is thankful for her tasty food, even if it is in a container with a dog face on it. She is also so very thankful for her daily treat of baby food. All of us here are thankful for our many blessings, including the food in our bowls, the roof over our heads, our family, and of course our furiends like you!
Happy Thursday to all!
Our Tip of the Day:
Just like us humans, our furbabies surely prefer food at its peak freshness. For that reason, as well as to help prevent the possibility of spoilage or contamination, it is recommended to keep dry food in an airtight storage container. Many bags of food come with resealable openings these days. This is another good option, although it is still possible for it to become stale if stored this way, such as if there is a hole or other leak in the bag. For added protection and freshness, the food can be stored in its resealable bag, with that then placed in an airtight storage container. This is especially something to consider for kitties or pups who are finicky to begin with, such as those who are geriatric or ill, as they might be more apt to eat fresh food that maintains its richest taste and smell.
What a pawsome poem! And your drawing is adorable.
Thimble, we hope the food container gets rectified very soon. Though as long as you get your food, it really doesn't matter much, does it?
We agree Thimble, that should definitely be a cat on that cat food. That poem is just the greatest. We like that a lot. You all have a grand day.
Annie is pretty cool and you are sure pretty sweet Thimble! Hey, as long as the food is yummy we don't care where it is kept, let's eat! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Oh my goodness! How can someone who can write such a fab poem say they can't write poetry?!?! You did beautifully well and we love Annie the Astronaut AND the accompanying artwork. So clever and cute - much like Thimble realizing the cat food container has a woofie on it! EEEEEK! Thanks for being part of our Thoroughly Poetic Thursday along with Thankful Thursday.....that's a whole lot of THANKS right?
Hugs, Angel Sammy and Teddy too
Your mom needs to put a picture of your beautiful selfie on that food container pronto!
AGREE~~~ !! ♥♥
thimble; wavez two ewe gorgeouz.....we total lee understand bout de CAT food container....N veree nice two meet ewe Annie...ore this iz Annie; Pie's sisturr Annie ? !! ☺☺☺~~~~~ yur poem total lee rockz; we think thiz iz gonna bee a grate A dishun two de thurzdAy poem line up...for sure now yur mom kneadz ta due a book...with poemz And grAfix !!! yAy ♥♥
I love your poem! I have a hard time writing poetry too, and dislike reading it even more (although not poems created in fun challenges like these. I mean poetry books.) Hey Thimble, ask your mom to get crafty and collage a bunch of her artwork on that plastic bin!
WOW! You are not only an amazing artist, you are an amazing poet too. That was excellent and I love the illustration just as much. And Thimble, is always adorable. Great tip too!
GASP! Cat food in a dog food container??? Unacceptable. You sure she's not feeding you dog food, Thimble?
Just make sure you don't store food in plastic containers unless it's in a bag.
I'm so disappointed in myself that I missed this, but seeing your post today, I realized you had written a poem starring Annie the Astronaut. This is just wonderful along with the accompanying illustration.
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