This week brings us to the letter C, which means we have a little C of a someone for you to meet.
Calista the Carpenter
Her name is Calista.
Her name is Calista.
No, she is most certainly not a barista.
No, she will not pour you a cup of coffee.
And no, she will not add a shot of toffee!
Calista does not deal in beans and brews,
But, rather, in nuts, bolts, and screws.
So, do you wish for a house up there in that tree?
So, do you wish for a house up there in that tree?
Calista can climb right up there and build it for thee.
Or maybe you’d like a house for your dog?
Calista can make a masterpiece out of any old log.
Oh, so it’s a great big mansion that you desire?
No biggie, Calista can even add a turret and a spire.
Now, if you don’t mind, let’s get started.
Now, if you don’t mind, let’s get started.
Calista never goes at her job half-hearted.
Could you please hand over that trusty old hammer?
Yes, it’s that metal thing that makes a great whammer.
And don’t forget that big box of nails.
Without them we’ll never get wind in our sails.
Let's start by putting this wall here.
Let's start by putting this wall here.
No, it won’t blow over, don’t you fear.
Calista more than knows the tricks of her trade,
Of that you certainly need not be afraid.
Before you know it, the job will be done.
For Calista the Carpenter, she’s second to none.
Does this Calista look familiar to anybuddy?
Well now, all of these career paths we've been trying to poeticize really have Thimble pondering. She's already a model, and proud of it, but she's also wondering what else she could be.
Thimble wants to know what her furiends suggest. What do you all think Thimble should be when she grows up?
Oh, and of course we did not forget Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
Thimble would like to begin by saying how thankful she is for her skills as a model. We are all also thankful for the jobs that those around us do each day. We're thankful for our mail carrier, for the delivery drivers who bring us all sorts of goodies, for those who work at the gas stations and shops that keep our car running, and for those who pick up and dispose of our trash each week. And, of course, we're thankful for family and furiends like all of you!
Our Tip of the Day:
Remember to keep that tool box away from the furbabies! Hardware, including nails and screws, can be incredibly dangerous if ingested by a pup or kitty. Not only can they become lodged in throat or other region of the gastrointestinal tract, but they can lead to perforation of the bowels. Even placing such items on a counter or workbench might be dangerous, such as if you have a kitty who likes to bat at small items, or if you have a curious and enthusiastic pup who jumps up on things. Similarly, tools themselves can be potentially dangerous. For example, we all know how sharp a saw can be, so be careful where you keep tools such as these. Even hanging from a wall in the garage, it is not impossible for such tools to be a danger to curious pups or kitties. So, keep all hardware and even tools locked away somewhere safe, because it's always better to be safe than to be sorry.
I dunno, you do do model pretty well. Maybe a chef - you could make your own tasty meals!
Calista you proudly represented "C" in today's Poetry Challenge and did a mighty fine job of it too! I'd prefurrr to have a pretty carpenter wielding a whammer to build something here than anyone else that's for sure. I think Thimble can choose ANY career path - next week we celebrate "D" on the poetry challenge - perhaps "DIVA" ?????
Hugs, Teddy
Calista, you sound like a very useful soul. We think Thimble's career is just to look pretty and she does a good job at that. Great poem. You all have a great day.
Very cute poem! The mom has some work she needs done around the house. Do you think Calista could help? ;)
Another great poem, you are so talented. And I love the drawing too. Thimble is a perfect model and so beautiful. Excellent tip too.
I think Thimble would be some kind of administrator, perhaps a principal.
Good poem! Well written! Hugs, guys.
whitefish waves two ewe calista frum kitties blue !!!! :) yur poem total lee rocks; itz gonna look awesum in thimblez momz book ~~~~~~ :) thimble if ewe due knot wanna bee a model when ewe grow up how bout a .....theatrical producer....ewe can put two gether yur own playz !! ?? ☺☺♥♥
We enjoyed that poem! Hey Thimble, you should be a super model girl! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thimble is most definitely deep in thought! And when you're finished with these poems you're going to have a fun little book on your hands, I just know it!
That was such a cute poem!
Thimble could be a beauty queen! :D
Calista, we think you are a great model. Personally we want the job of food taster to our Mom, that might be another job you could pursue. We also are in charge of all the books in our house.
OMC, I cannot believe I missed this. I am so ashamed. C.J. would be quite proud if she had any of these talents. Being able to use the names of the pets of your fellow bloggers is so creative and sweet. Thank you so much, Lorianne and gang. Love, Janet
Thimble, do you know Rodin's sculpture, "The Thinker?" Your pose is a fairly purrfect replica. When "T" week rolls around, you need to remember that. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
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