Friday, June 30, 2017

Hello, Friday!

Hello, Friday! As always, we'll kick off this eve of the weekend with the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by our friends over at 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader.

The fill-ins our hosts created for us this week are as fantastic as ever. They even have some in honor of the upcoming July 4th holiday here in the United States.

1. My next _________ will be _________.
2. Fireworks _________.
3. Freedom _________.
4. This week, I am thankful _________.

I did my best to do these fill-ins proud.

1. My next book to read will be a cozy cat mystery.
(I have just recently gotten into this genre, somehow having never before venturing into it. I am currently reading a book in my long beloved fantasy genre, but the next one up is indeed a cozy cat mystery. And it's one that none other than Mudpie and Melissa reviewed not too long ago!)

2. Fireworks could be enjoyable if they were kept in controlled moderation.
(As a kid, I loved going to fireworks shows on the 4th of July. As I got older, I still enjoyed the concept of them, but I also started to realize and understand the dangers of them. I wish fireworks could somehow be truly left to professionals only, in controlled locations, and only in moderation. I don't like when random folk decide to take matters into their own hands by setting off fireworks in their own yards or neighborhoods, thereby putting themselves, all people around them, and nearby furbabies and wildlife at risk.)

3. Freedom should not be taken for granted.
(Freedom comes in many different forms, and certainly not everyone is lucky enough to know what it feels like to truly be free. Freedom is something for which to be thankful, and I wish more people realized that.)

4. This week, I am thankful for my life in the United States.
(I'm not one to get political here, so I won't. I love my country and I appreciate the life I live here. Don't worry, though, I still love all of the other countries, too, and all of the friends we have in every corner of the world.)

Now, active Eddy wanted to show you something today. You see, I recently inherited my grandma's dining table. I have currently, although perhaps not permanently, placed it in our library. I was worried this would affect the ambiance of our bookish little room, but have already begun turning the table into a display area for books, and so all is well. That's beside the point, though.

Back to Eddy. To fit the table into the library, I had to move my desk out of there. The desk, therefore, went into my bedroom, and you know what? That made Eddy one happy little lady cat.

Whereas Eddy used to have to rely on my headboard to see out the high window in my room, she now loves to use the desk.

Don't worry, though, as the headboard still gets plenty of traffic as well. In case you can't see in that terribly dark photo above, Eddy loves to stand on both the desk and the headboard at the same time.

Multitasking at its finest.

Whoa! Hello, bright and blinding sun!

And for those who might be wondering what resident librarian Thimble thinks of all this, she's also quite happy with the new arrangements. She loves having a whole table from which to reign over her library. And, she also loves using the desk that is now in the bedroom. Before, short-legged Thimble could never climb or jump onto the headboard in order to see from the window above my bed. With the help of the desk, though, she now can, and it's like a whole new world out there to her.

We hope everybuddy has a fantastic Friday!

Our Doodle of the Day:

Weird, huh? The other day I was perusing that fun site known as Etsy, and I saw that someone had quite masterfully crocheted a doll that they called a caticorn. It was, essentially, a cat with a unicorn horn. That's when this doodle happened.

Our Tip of the Day:
As we say each year and for each holiday, we'd like to remind our US peeps to take their furbabies into consideration this 4th of July. Fireworks can be loud and scary to our cats and dogs, parties can lead to risks of escape or other dangers of high foot traffic in the home, and barbecues can lead to the consumption of potentially toxic foods by our kitties and pups. These are just to name a few, though, and any number of festivities can potentially be hazardous for the kitties and pups in your life. So, please do ensure their safety, even if that means giving them a room of their own during any festivities, where they can stay safe and sound.


pilch92 said...

Thank you for always participating in the fill-ins, your answers are always wonderful. Cat mysteries are pretty good and there are so many different ones now-Melissa finds them all :) Fireworks are illegal in Mass. , but everyone goes to NH for them. There is a lake just down the road and everyone sets them off there so my cats will not be happy this weekend. I completely agree with 3 and 4.
That is so nice that you inherited your Grandma's table, I hope you will show us a photo of it soon. And that is a nice spot on the desk for beautiful Eddy. Cute drawing and saying. And as always, excellent tip. Have a great weekend!

Marg said...

Great answers to the fill-ins. Love the saying about being a unicorn in a field of horses. That is one great drawing. Have a wonderful day.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

We HATE fireworks here. Some @#$% sets off fireworks in our courtyard for 8 hours or more every 4th of July. Last year, Bear was a nervous wreck and couldn’t sleep until I gave up at 1am and turned on the stereo loud enough to drown the mess out. Bear and Eddy are so similar ... sometimes, I think Bear forgets about gravity and physics when he's watching something out the window.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...we noe what cha meen bout fire werkz...noe joke... a few yeerz bak a coyote was runnin thru de nayborhood tryin ta get a way frum all de noize.....we felt veree bad for him :(...

anyway; eddy yur lookin gorgeouz az all wayz; 984 paws up on de new place mint of wood peecez in de houz... ☺☺☺ lookz like a win win !!!!!! ♥♥♥

Annie Bear said...

I'm excited for you to read a cat cozy mystery. I've been reading them for several years now. I love them! I have found several series I enjoy and there are always new ones coming out. I'm with you on fireworks. I think the controlled professional displays are fine, but when people just let them off, it's so scary. To make it worse, some people let off firecrackers and bottle rockets. I LOVE your #3 & #4 answers!

That's great that the kitties now have a way to look out your bedroom window! Eddy sure looks happy. Thimble sounds a little like Annie with the short legs. Annie can't jump hardly anywhere.

I sure hope animals will be safe this 4th.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Now that is a very catified bedroom! I have a bedside table (with a cat bed on it) and bookcase right next to my bed (and in front of a window). Mudpie loves the arrangement. So happy we've gotten you into cat cozies!!!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

I agree, I hate it when the rules against fireworks get relaxed in the city. Too many people with too few brain cells set them off.

The Island Cats said...

Everything, including home decorating, should be done for the comfort of the kitties. :)

Suzanne McClendon said...

I love your unicorn quote. That is great. :)

How blessed you are to have your grandma's dining table. I have my grandma's bed frame. Once we're able to purchase a mattress set, it will be put back into service. It is an old iron bed. I love the lamp on your desk. That is beautiful!

Have a blessed weekend and a great 4th. :)

Anonymous said...

I apologize for my lateness in responding. Although I read posts last week, with Chloe Jo in the hospital, it has been difficult. As I write this, she is back in the hospital for observation and tests. Thanks for understanding.
Great answers. We think so similarly. Hugs.