Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Tabby and Tonks Tuesday

Today's tabby of the day is none other than bright, shiny, and perhaps slightly blinding Thimble.

In case you were wondering, Thimble was such a good girl at her annual visit with the V-E-T yesterday. Then again, she's always a good girl, if you asks this momma of hers. Aside from needing to shed a tad bit of weight, and her chronic battle with ear wax, Thimble's report card was pristine.

We're not yet done with the V-E-T this week, though. After all, this morning, kitten Tonks was shoved into the PTU and carted off to the V-E-T. She's not alone, either. Her sister Winky (who owns this here human's sister) and her brother Flitwick (who owns this here human's parents) are also at the V-E-T, that dreaded place that overflows with sharp needles and the tears of tiny kittens. Today, this little family of kittens is getting neutered.

Tonks hasn't been all that thrilled with today's plans. I think the worst of it for her was not being allowed to eat this morning, prior to her spay surgery. That was really, really tough for food-loving Tonks.

Despite Tonks's disapproval, though, her spay is a necessity. Though all of the kitties out there might not agree, we're sure all of you humans know the truth of the matter. After all, spaying and neutering helps combat overpopulation in a world already sadly overflowing with homeless animals. What's more, it decreases a kitty or pup's chances of developing a variety of medical issues, including cancer of the reproductive organs. Even behavior can benefit from spaying or neutering. Without all of those hormones racing around, prowling, yowling, and aggression are less likely to occur. Spaying and neutering really isn't all that bad!

Now that we're done with our PSA, we'll wish you all a happy Tuesday! Though we don't anticipate any complications during surgery, if you have some purrs, woofs, or prayers to spare for Tonks and her sister and brother, we sure wouldn't mind them.

Our Doodle of the Day:

Our Tip of the Day:

Today is the last tip in our series on decorating your house around your furbabies. What we're talking about today is flooring. When purchasing, designing, or renovating a home, be sure to take your furbabies into consideration when it comes to details such as flooring. For example, carpeting might require extra cleaning efforts if you live with furbabies prone to vomiting or other accidents on the floor. A better option in such a case might be a hard surface flooring. Some of the easiest floors to clean and maintain with furbabies include tile and laminate floors. Of course, hardwood is another option. When it comes to this, though, do try to ensure that the type of wood used on your floors is indeed hardwood. For example, oak, maple, walnut, and cherry are all hardwoods that are resilient, as well as able to be refinished relatively easily. On the other hand, try to avoid softwood flooring when living with furbabies, whose paws and claws can far more easily cause damage to less resilient woods. Softwoods include pine, cedar, and redwood, all of which might not be able to hold up against the pitter-patter of clawed furbaby paws. All in all, if you are blessed enough to share your life and home with furbabies, you may indeed need to consider how to best decorate your home to suit both you and your furbaby.


Pam and Teddy said...

We hope the "babies" surgeries went well....I know it's an important "procedure" that they are having done but I'm also sure that like most little ones, they will forget the discomfort and continue to play like little crazies once they get back home.

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

The Island Cats said...

We're glad Thimble got a good report from the vet. And we're purring for the kittens...and hope all goes well.

Marg said...

Sending good thoughts to all you kitties that are having surgery. You will be fine and better off in the long run.

Eastside Cats said...

OH NO! That doodle made me cringe a bit. When I brought Angel and Chuck to the vet for their neuter/spay surgeries, I cried and cried in the car afterward! And Angel came out of it with the cone of shame, something I had no idea was going to happen. Da Boyz were already neutered when we adopted them, and now I've had many ferals 'fixed', but the memory of the first time is still a sore spot...for no good reason.

World of Animals, Inc. said...

We are so happy Thimble got a fabulous report. She looks like such a sweet girl in all the photos that you share with us. Good luck to all the other little fur babies having their surgery this week. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

The Swiss Cats said...

We're glad your vet visit went well, Thimble, and we cross our paws that everything goes well for the kittens. Purrs

messymimi said...

Hooray for Thimble’s good check up, good for you and your excellent care of the kittens, too! Our shelter is overflowing as usual this time of year, i am very much on your bandwagon.

The worst soft wood floor is cork. Do yourself a favor and don’t ever, ever agree to cork flooring!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Glad to hear that you're purrfect, Thimble...but we already knew that! Purrs that the babies surgeries are uneventful. "The tears of tiny kittens"...I love that!

catladymac said...

Purrayers & POTP to the kids. Glad Thummble got an A+ report.

pilch92 said...

Thimble is so pretty. I will be praying all goes well with the spay/neuters and they all heal quickly. That is a cute drawing and excellent tips. We have mostly wood floors, but the cats are prone to vomit on the braided rug.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

We talked about our visit to the vet today on our blog too. We're glad Thimble is doing well. The kittens must be a riot!