Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Happy World Cat Day!

Isn't this just the best day ever? You better believe it is. After all, it's World Cat Day!

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Since it's her first ever World Cat Day, the big kitties around here decided to let kitten Tonks take the lead on this one. It was a tough job, especially when you're a kitten and all you want to do is play and run and jump and wreak all sorts of havoc. But, Tonks managed to stop for a blurry half second in order to wish you all a most happy World Cat Day!

Since it is World Cat Day, we thought we'd also share a little video about how the kitties around here rule the world house. In truth, there is no surface in this house that has successfully been deemed as off-limits to the kitties. "No cats on the table", for example, is not a rule around here. Let's be honest, even if that was a rule, this here human would lose that battle. I'm wildly outnumbered. So, anyway, below is just a little video of kittens Tonks and Winky and their big sis Thimble all doing their thing on none other than the dining table. 'Tis World Cat Day, after all!

To be honest, what prompted me to start filming that video was the kittens quite rambunctiously chasing a bug on the table. But then, when I turned the camera on, they subdued their behaviors. Go figure. So, there's not a whole lot of action in that there video, but at least it allows you all to get a view of Tonks and Winky, who rarely sit still long enough for a proper photo shoot.

So, how do all of you kitty friends of ours rule the world your household? Do you climb all over the table, like the kitties here do? What about the counters? Do you claim your human's bed? Do you steal their food? The important thing is to make sure that no one forgets that this is, indeed, a cat's world!

Happy World Cat Day!

Our Tip of the Day:

Our kitties often indeed do rule the household. That often means they more or less have free roam of the place. Sometimes, though, that might become a bit difficult for them, for a variety of potential reasons. If your cat, or dog, is allowed on furniture, make sure that they can easily and safely access it. This is something to especially take into consideration for cats, or dogs, with mobility issues. Geriatric, arthritic, injured, and any other specially abled furbabies may require some form of help getting onto couches, chairs, beds, tables, shelves, and so forth. Sometimes all you have to do is put low stools or boxes next to the furniture, as long as said stools or boxes are safe and sturdy. There are also pet stairs and pet ramps available on the market, which can be placed beside beds, couches, and other relevant furniture. So, if your furbaby is allowed on furniture, keep in mind what might affect their ability to get onto said furniture. Age, injuries, and other such factors can make it difficult for your cat, or dog, to reach elevated locations. Take all such factors into consideration, and help your furbaby adjust as best and as safely as possible.


Lone Star Cats said...

Happy World Cat Day! We get up on tables, counters, you name it! And I definitely steal food!

Pam and Teddy said...

Happy World Cat Day! Cute video - looks like kitties definitely rule there. I have never been on a counter but I DO like my parents' bed...and make myself at home there. I go on the bathroom counters for sink drinks but I won't hop there myself - I ask Mom to put me up and put me down. She thinks someone taught me that as it wasn't her! Anyway, today is all about US so have a lot of fun everyone........!

Hugs, Teddy

Marg said...

That is what cats are for, to rule the household and they sure do that here. Nothing better. Have a great day.

Eastside Cats said...

Cats rule the world, but YOU rule the doodle world! What a cute doodle...WANT!
And last weekend, I got to hold kittens for the first time in forever, and those wee bodies and their cute little meows...just too cute for words, just like Tonks and Winky!

The Swiss Cats said...

We do everything you mention MOL ! Happy World Cat Day ! Purrs

pilch92 said...

Happy World Cat Day! That was a cute video and I LOVE the drawing. My cats do what they want unless it is harmful. Those are great tips too.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you know how kitties are, the minute the camera comes out all of the things they were doing totally stop! Happy International Cat Day!

M Dawson said...

Oh that little video made my day :-)

Happy International Cat Day

The Island Cats said...

Those kittens have so much energy! Happy World Cat Day!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy International Cat Day!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy World Cat Day to you all!

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Happy World Cat Day to all of you wonderful kittys. Seeing Tonks take the lead was really great to see. Love the video. When it's World Cat Day. I guess all rules are off. Great seeing them having such a great time. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mudpie pretty much rules the house...I just live here. And that's purrfectly find with me :) Love the video! Tonks is such a little doll.

Holly said...

Happy world cat day. My kitties totally rule the roost and I just live here. I even have a graphic with that on it as my phone background.

messymimi said...

Happy World Cat Day! Yes, our cats rule, and i deal with it by simply cleaning the counters in the kitchen every time i need to use them.

meowmeowmans said...

That video is so, so sweet! Yes, we kinda rule here, too. We're cats, so that's just the way it is, right?

Happy World Cat Day, dear pals. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Happy World Cat Day Guys! We LOVE you picture and the video, I would nominate it for the OSCARS!