Friday, October 19, 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy Friendly Fill-Ins Friday, friends! If you're up to filling in the fill-ins but missed them yesterday, we'll share them again here. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. For Halloween, I want to be _________.

2. _________ makes me feel like royalty.

3. On a dark and stormy night, I _________.

4. If I had a witch's cauldron, I would stir up a potion for _________.

My fill-ins are, yet again, all about the furry cuties!

1. For Halloween, I want to be a cat lady.
(I wear my costume year round.)

2. Evan makes me feel like royalty.
(Evan is a momma's boy to the max. When I get home from work, he is the most likely kitty to come running to the door—you know, in his hind limb paralyzed sort of way. He's also the most likely kitty to be watching my every move, to be gazing at me longingly, and to be slow-blinking kisses at me. Evan wants to be by my side every chance he gets, and that makes me feel all shades of special.)

3. On a dark and stormy night, I curl up and snuggle with my furbabies.
(I actually enjoy storms, but only, of course, when they're not violent and destructive. I especially enjoy settling into a cozy seat to read or write while listening to the rolls of thunder. That is, as long as said thunder isn't so close and booming that it's rattling the windows or the roof over our heads. I guess that means it's distant thunder that I like. What's more, none of my furbabies around here are afraid of storms or the thunder that they bring, so they're always happy to hang out and cuddle with me during a storm.)

4. If I had a witch's cauldron, I would stir up a potion for instant homes for the homeless.
(This potion would work for any and all homeless individuals, furry and human alike. They could just take a sip of this potion, and poof!, they'd have a home. I wish I could whip up that kind of magic.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Tomorrow, October 20th, is Tocktober day. This is the day that many of us in this blogosphere show off some tushie tocks in honor of Angel Derby, a handsome mancat whose birthday was October 20th. Derby's blogging legacy continues on with his brother Ducky.

But, since tomorrow is also Caturday Art day, on which we typically share doodles only and no photos, we're participating in Tocktober a day early. Given that it's Friday, and Fridays are Eddy's day to take over this blog, Eddy agreed to show off her (predictably blurry) tocks today. Ready?

That shot is just a tease, isn't it? Wait a sec, we have the real deal for you to enjoy. Here you go!

Those tocks might be blurry, since blurry is indeed Eddy's typical style, but Eddy is proud to show them off nonetheless.

Happy Friday, friends!

Our Doodle of the Day:

We have yet another Halloween bookmark to share with you all today.

And, we yet again bestowed upon this bookmark a corny saying we found online. Actually, this one's so special it got two silly sayings.

Our Tip of the Day:

We're 19 days in, and our Halloween tips are still going. After all, we have 31 of them to get through! And, indeed, we have another Halloween-inspired tip for you today.

Yesterday, we mentioned the importance of keeping black cats, and of course all furbabies, indoors on Halloween to prevent them from becoming victims of tricks and pranks. Today's tip is similar, and it is to avoid going on a walk with your dog, or even your kitty, during trick-or-treat hours. This is for a number of reasons, including the obvious one that foot traffic, and even potentially car traffic, will be increased during trick-or-treat hours. This is something that could pose a risk especially for skittish dogs or cats, as they might become frightened of the Halloween hustle and bustle. What's more, not only will more people be out and about on Halloween night, making extra traffic and noise, but many of them will be dressed in strange and potentially frightening costumes. These factors could lead a nervous dog or cat to panic, and to potentially get loose and lost. Of course, increased traffic could also lead to accidents and injuries, such as if a nervous or excited dog or cat gets loose and makes their way into the street. All in all, it is important to always take into consideration your furbaby's safety, which might very well mean house arrest during those trick-or-treat hours on Halloween night.


messymimi said...

Evan sounds like a feline prince charming to me.

Nice bookmark doodles, and very good lookig tocks from Eddy.

You are so right about keeping the pets in on Halloween. We have to sequester the cats and this year, i'm not sure if the dogs will be here. If so, they may be kenneled, much to their own consternation.

Elizabeth said...

Love the doodles, photos, and your answers.

It is always an enjoyable visit to your blog.

Thanks for sharing.

Marg said...

Your fill-in answers are terrific. We like those. The doodle is just too cute. You have a great day.

Yvonne said...

Great fill ins. A cat lady costume would be so much fun.

Cathy Keisha said...

Love the bookmark. Eddy is brave to show her tocks without a figleaf or somthing. Great fill-ins. I’m glad cats are the center of your universe.

pilch92 said...

I love all your answers, especially #4. I tend to whine when it thunders-drives my hubby crazy. Evan is a sweetie. Nice tock shot of Eddy. Cute bookmarks and sayings on them. Great tips, as always. Have a nice weekend! XO

Annie Bear said...

Hi! It is so sweet how Evan adores you. Yes, yes, yes to #4!

Your bookmarks are adorable! Nice to see Eddy's tocks.

Pam and Teddy said...

Great makes me happy that Evan the fearless feline "runs" to see you when you get home. He doesn't know the word "can't" and that's a lot to admire in a guy!! I run when I hear someone coming in the door too - just in case someone is bringing me a treat. HAHAHAHA Eddy's tock shot is perfect of course for the occasion.

Hugs, Teddy

The Island Cats said...

We like your fill in answers. Being a cat lady for Halloween should come easy. Those are cute tocks, Eddy. Thanks for sharing them with us. ;)

M. K. Clinton said...

I love your bookmarks! We never take the boys out walking during trick or treat. Too many people leave candy wrappers, etc. on the ground and they love to gobble up things like that. LOL!

Eastside Cats said...

Am hoping to snap some good 'tocks shots this weekend...need to be home during the day to get the good light! Manny and Chili Bruce are always a challenge!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Love those tock! ...and your bookmark...and your answers are purrfect, especially #1!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

My Momma's boy saved my life. I only hope he knows just how much that means to me.

Kimberly said...

I enjoy your number 3. All your kitties sound great, though.