Friday, November 2, 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy Friday, friends! Friday means all sorts of good things, the weekend and the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge being just two of them. In case you missed the fill-in statements for the Friendly Fill-Ins, I'll share them again here. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. One can _________.

2. Given the choice of _________ or _________, I would pick _________.

3. _________ makes me feel _________.

4. I never go a day without _________.

Now, I wouldn't ask you all to fill them in without filling them in myself. So, here's what I managed:

1. One can never succeed without taking the leap.
(There are so many quotes out there that get this point across, and far more eloquently than I did here. But, I'm thinking you catch my drift.) 

2. Given the choice of candy or fruit, I would pick fruit.
(This statement would have been something along the lines of blaspheme to childhood me. But, childhood me hadn't yet learned what age can do to your health, and even to your taste buds. So, now I love me some fruit instead of some candy. Honestly, I could live on watermelon, blueberries, cherries, pineapple, and banana, and die perfectly happy. Don't get me wrong, though, because I definitely had me some candy for Halloween. It left me in a raging sugar coma, but I had me some candy anyway.)

3. This time of year makes me feel excited.
(October to December easily make up my favorite part of the year. That's probably because Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays. This time of year, I'm just a bundle of eager, antsy energy.)

4. I never go a day without cuddling every single one of my furbabies.
(The second I wake up, I try to find all of the kitties and pup Astrid in order to hug them good morning. The same thing happens when bedtime rolls around, and lots of times in between there, too. I'm sure some of them wouldn't mind a vacation from me, but too bad.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Eddy was just certain that today was a day for bloopers. That's why she has this to share with you all:

Eddy also didn't realize Tocktober is over, so this belated shot happened as well:

Typical Eddy.

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

Our Doodle of the Day:

Because of a recent occurrence known as Halloween, I've been watching and enjoying the Netflix series called Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. This is a retelling of the older comics and TV show known as Sabrina the Teenage Witch. One thing led to another as I watched the show, and I found myself with this doodle for today:

It took every fiber of my being not to throw a cat-o'-lantern into that there doodle. There's still a witch in there, yes, but are witches really just a Halloween thing? This here fantasy nerd says most definitely not. Heck, maybe I'll draw a Christmas witch in the near future. Of course, said Christmas witch would most certainly be accompanied by her festive black cat familiar.

Our Tip of the Day:

It's Pet Cancer Awareness Month, so we have another cancer prevention tip for you today. We're here to talk a bit about vaccines. While vaccines can be important for the prevention of various diseases, especially for those furbabies who go outdoors or are in another way more susceptible to disease, it is still crucial that you be knowledgeable about the potential side effects of some vaccines. In some cases, vaccines can lead to injection-site tumors, commonly cancerous fibrosarcomas. To help prevent these, you can keep furbabies, such as cats, indoors. This could render some vaccines far less necessary, since your furbaby would likely not be exposed to the diseases certain vaccines cover. In other cases, such as if your furbaby does go outdoors or might be exposed to certain diseases, simply do your research. Ask your veterinary office what types of vaccines they use, as some vaccines do not contain the components typically believed to cause injection-site tumors. Vaccines are often a highly debated subject in any case, so always be knowledgeable about them, about what kind your veterinary office uses, and which vaccines your kitty or pup might need.


messymimi said...

Fruit is the candy the Almighty intended for us to eat, at least i think so.

Your babies might fuss, but if you went a day without cuddling them, they'd miss it. They are like children and have to pretend they don't like it once they reach a certain age.

Great doodle, Eddy has fabulous tocks, and i agree everyone needs to research every vaccine for themselves, their family, and their fur kids.

Carry Loves Cats said...

The choice between candy and fruit is a tough one. Candy wins slightly for me because it's lasts longer - if you forget about fruit it goes off. If you forget about candy its still there when you remember!

Eastside Cats said...

Whether they like it or not, every kitty gets a snuggle from me at least once a day, even The 'O' Cats!

pilch92 said...

Great answers, especially #4. I wish I could give up candy. I have chocolate daily except during Lent. Your furbabies are lucky to be so loved. I feel the same way about this time of year although I doubt I have as much energy as you do.
Cute shots of Eddy. Very nice drawing. Is the new Sabrina good? I loved the original, but I have heard this one is not sweet like that. Excellent tips. Have a nice weekend! XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

We enjoyed your answers and we enjoy this holiday season too, lots!

Marg said...

Great answers to the fill-ins. A choice between candy and fruit is a hard on but it also depends on the fruit. Love the doodle. Pretty soon it will be turkey time.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! Not all answers are about cats! TW loves summer fruit but not winter fruit. She's missing her blueberries, peaches and tomatoes. Oh sure you can still buy them, but TW will only buy USA fruit cos of the pesticides thing.

Elizabeth said...

I always enjoy your answers.

Thanks for hosting, and have a great rest of the day.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Love the doodle! We are watching Chilling Adventures of Sabrina too.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Anonymous said...

Love your fill-ins. Blurred Eddy looks nosy and we all understand nosy. mol

Shoko, Tyebe and Budd

Sandee said...

I agree with the fruit versus the candy. We do that here as well. I can't remember the last time I've had any candy.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to your babies. ♥

CRYSTAL said...

Great answers. Our post is in.

The Island Cats said...

Oh Eddy! You can never show off your tocks too much. ;)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable art! That sounds like a fun series. Totally agree with 3 and 4, and I can actually see your point with #2 too! Funny what age does to us, huh? MOL

Pam and Teddy said...

We love your #1 answer the BESTEST! It's ever so true. Thanks for co-hosting one of the most funnnnnnnnest hops around. We look forward to Fridays and sharing our "fill-ins" as well as reading everyone else's!

Hugs, Teddy

Kitties Blue said...

I am absolutely in love with today's doodle and Eddy's blooper photo. You should use that to do make some Caturday computer art. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

Feline Opines said...

Our Female Human loves the fall as well. We loved the photo of Eddy, she is also a neighborhood snoopervisor I see.,
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Oliver and

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

There is a saying that goes along with your first response. Leap, and the net will appear. I have never been able to go along with that myself. I always want a back up plan. Have a blessed week.

Suzanne McClendon said...

Taking that leap can be pretty scary, especially when success isn't guaranteed. Lack of it is guaranteed if we don't take that leap, though.

On #2, I'd pick both. :) Really, it would depend on the candy and fruit involved. If the fruit is a prune, then me and Hershey's are going at it. haha

You have Halloween and Christmas and I'll be more than happy to take Thanksgiving. :)

Furbaby cuddles are a wonderful way to start and end the day.

Have a blessed Sunday and week!