Tuesday, April 2, 2019

B is for...

As we noted yesterday, this April, we're participating in the annual A to Z Challenge.

Also as we mentioned yesterday, our contribution to the A to Z Challenge this time around is a series of doodles starring my angel Rosie. In this series of doodles, Rosie will be going throughout a more or less routine sort of day, doing this and that, A to Z style. So, what's Rosie doing with the letter B?

B is for...Brushing Those Teeth

Yet another tidbit we mentioned yesterday was that, throughout this A to Z Challenge, we're going to do our best to share furbaby photos that in some way correlate with angel Rosie's daily alphabetical adventures. Many of these will be flashback photos that fit in with that day's theme, but we didn't think you all would mind. For today's A to Z topic relating to Brushing Those Teeth, we have for you Thimble. This little lady cat is here to show you all how to open wide for a check of those pearly whites. Just do it like this:

Open wide! Say "aaahhh"! Oh, and don't forget to smile!

Our Tip of the Day:

And yet another thing we mentioned yesterday was that even our daily tips are going to, in some way, relate to the daily A to Z topics. Today's tip is indeed about brushing those teeth. To begin, keep in mind that toothpaste formulated for humans is often not safe for use in cats and dogs. This is for a variety of reasons, such as the toxic fluoride and xylitol human toothpaste can potentially contain. For this reason, never leave your toothpaste where a kitty or pup can steal it and ingest it, and never use human toothpaste to brush your cat or dog's teeth.

The above being said, dental health is still important for our furbabies. There are a variety of pet-friendly, veterinarian-approved dental products that you can use on your cats and dogs. There are toothpastes formulated just for our furbabies, as well as other dental products that can help keep those kitty and pup mouths clean and healthy in a safe manner. It is of course important to have your furbaby's mouth checked regularly by their veterinarian, to catch any dental issues, and to treat any that do exist. If you have any questions regarding brushing your cat or dog's teeth and keeping their mouths clean and healthy overall, do indeed discuss options with a veterinarian.


The Island Cats said...

Nice pearly whites, Thimble!

Eastside Cats said...

The PO'M lets me touch his teefs, which I do regularly. The rest of our cats...not so much!

pilch92 said...

Very cute drawing of Angel Rosie and Thimble is a cutie. We did teeth brushing today too :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Absolutely precious, both the doodle and the picture! Brushing is a very important part of everyone's day.

messymimi said...

Thimble has quite the mouthful, and i like the drawing.