Monday, April 8, 2019

G is for...

We're back at it with the A to Z Challenge!

As we've said, like the broken record that we are, our contribution to the A to Z Challenge is a series of doodles starring my angel Rosie. In this series of doodles, Rosie is going throughout a more or less routine sort of day, doing this and that, A to Z style. So, what's Rosie got going on for the letter G?

G is for...Grocery Shopping

Throughout this A to Z Challenge, we're also doing our best to share furbaby photos that in some way correlate with angel Rosie's daily alphabetical adventures. We may have to make some stretches and take some liberties, and many of these will be flashback photos that fit in with a particular day's theme. That being said, today, Thimble has a very important PSA about grocery shopping. She wants you to always check your produce at the store to make sure you're not bringing home any groceries possessed by Cthulhu. Okay?

Check your produce, friends. If it has fingers or tentacles, put it back and leave it at the store. That's Thimble's professional advice.

Happy Monday, friends!

Our Tip of the Day:

Today's tip is to make sure you don't leave groceries unattended after you bring them home. Curious kitties and pups can get themselves in trouble in a number of ways, so monitor your furbabies around groceries, and put all groceries safely away as soon as possible. This is important for a variety of reasons. For example, some foods are tempting to certain furbabies, yet also toxic. This includes foods such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, alcohol beverages, and so forth. Other tempting foods may not be toxic to our furbabies, but are also not ideal for your a cat or dog to steal and eat.

All of the above being said, it's not just the groceries themselves that can be dangerous to kitties and pups. When it comes to grocery shopping, also keep in mind that plastic bags, wrappers, and other similar items can be potentially hazardous. Plastic bags can lead to accidental suffocation, for example, and ingested product packaging could lead to various intestinal issues, such as blockages. For all such reasons, never leave groceries unattended around curious kitties and pups, but instead monitor your furbabiy around groceries, and put all said groceries in their respective, safe places as quickly as possible.


The Island Cats said...

Yikes! What's coming outta that potato??

Fr. Tom Fish said...

That's a cool potato, but, yeah, if I found it at the grocery store, I would definitely put it back. You never know...haha! - Tom x

pilch92 said...

Very cute drawing of Rosie grocery shopping. Excellent advice Thimble, that is one creepy looking potato. If you keep it in the fridge for another month the sprout will keep growing and you can plant it. We grow potatoes every year and we save some so they sprout and we plant them. Excellent tips too.

Eastside Cats said...

I'd buy that potato, and plant it in a big barrel, to grow some more! However, it does look like a skeletal hand is coming out...

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You are a very wise kitty, Thimble! That was just creepy MOL

messymimi said...

Thimble, i agree with you completely!

Rosie certainly looks determined to fill that cart.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! You should save that potato for Halloween although it will be more gross by then. That's a skeleton hand trying to crawl out of there.

Pam and Teddy said...


Hugs, Teddy