Monday, September 14, 2020

Mancat Monday

 It's Mancat Monday, and so Evan is of course here to grace you all with his presence.

Have a magnificent Monday!


Doodle of the Day

It's cat-o'-lantern season!

Tip of the Day

Today's disaster preparedness tip is a rather specific one, and it is to consider using a pet rescue alert decal or sticker at your house. These decals or stickers are meant to alert rescue response teams as to how many and what kinds of animals are in the home. They can be placed on a screen door, on a window near a door, or somewhere similar where rescuers can easily see it. This type of information on what animals are in the home can help in the case of a house fire or any emergency evacuation, especially in cases when you are in any way unable to inform response teams as to how many and what kinds of animals are in the home and in need of rescuing. There are a variety of these decals or stickers available online, but one easy way to get them is through the ASPCA, as you can visit their website and order free pet emergency alert decals for your home.

Alerting emergency personnel of the animals in your home can help them to more quickly rescue your companion animals in the event of a fire or other emergency. This being said, though, please do ensure that any such decals or stickers are kept up-to-date. Not only is this important for ensuring that all animals in the house are properly accounted for, but is also important for the safety of emergency personnel. For example, if one of your furbabies has passed away but it is still included on an displayed pet emergency alert at your home, then emergency crews might put their lives at risk looking for an animal who is not even present. So, while these pet emergency alert bulletins can indeed benefit your pets' safety, also ensure that you use them properly in order to keep emergency personnel equally safe.


Catscue said...

Evan, you are gorgeous! I love the doodles today.

pilch92 said...

I always look forward to seeing Evan on Mondays- such a cutie. I like the drawing. Great tips too- we have a sticker in the front and the back.

AngelicClowder said...

You are so very handsome Evan. Your eyes match your fur like our brother Gabriel's do!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy Monday, Evan!

The Island Cats said...

Looking good, Evan!

messymimi said...

Thank you for being the mancat of the hour, Evan!

Pam and Teddy said...

howdy Evan! Always great to have you be the Mancat Monday STAR!

hugs, Teddy