Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Woof Woof Wednesday

Sometimes, when the camera shows up in your face, you simply have to avert your eyes.

Astrid wants to know if any of her furry friends have to put up with the pawparazzi like she does? This pup is quite honestly getting sick of it. She says her human here needs a new hobby.

Despite Astrid's annoyance with the camera, we wish you all a happy Wednesday!


Flashback Doodle of the Day

I'm in the middle of preparing lots of new autumn and Halloween doodles in my sketchbook. As I work on those, how about a flashback to one of my autumnal doodles from last year? This one stars the entire furry clan at at my house, and it also stars the vintage truck imagery I've come to enjoy a great deal.


Did you know?

Did you know that, when compared to both cats and humans, dogs have better peripheral vision? Since many dogs have eyes that are situated at least somewhat on the side of their head, that allows them to have better side vision, or peripheral vision. To further explain this, a dog's field of vision covers 240 degrees. This is compared to a cat's 200 degrees of visual coverage and a human's 180 degrees.


Eastside Cats said...

Astrid, is she annoying you...again?!?
What's with that, anyhow?

The Island Cats said...

Astrid, we know how you feel. The pawparazzi is relentless.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Isn't it annoying, Astrid? --Mudpie

messymimi said...

Astrid, you know you are loved.

meowmeowmans said...

Well, hello there, Astrid!

AngelicClowder said...

Awww Astrid she sure loves that camera doesn't she?

pilch92 said...

Astrid is a cutie. I like the drawing. And I did not know that about dogs' vision.