Monday, October 10, 2022

Mancat Monday and Then Some

Today, for Mancat Monday, Evan wanted to show off how his toe beans like to mimic the floral print on one of the gazillion blankets in our house. Or maybe it's the floral print that's mimicking him?

The angle of Evan's leg might very well look quite awkward. That's because it's one of his paralyzed hind legs, which just do their own thing. Don't worry, he can't feel them and quite enjoys striking poses like the one above.

I don't know whether you can tell from that wild angle, but that's Evan's back right leg. That's the same leg on pup Astrid that is undergoing surgery tomorrow for her torn CCL. And while Evan is relaxing on cozy blankets, Astrid is voluntarily opting for the hard patio, just inches away from soft grass.

Since it's Mancat Monday, how about a shot of our neighbor mancat keeping pup Astrid company on the patio?

As we've mentioned a lot over the past couple of weeks, Astrid has been spending a lot of time in the back yard since her injured leg doesn't allow her to go for her usual walks. Our neighbor kitty visits us almost daily, which may or may not be due to the fact that this here human doles out treats whenever he shows up. Cat-loving Astrid does very well with this cute and very sociable neighbor kitty, and so he happily hangs out with her.

I want to again thank Ann of Zoolatry for the badges she's created for pup Astrid as she awaits and very soon begins recovery from her surgery.

Thank you all for the many encouraging words, purrs, woofs, thoughts, and prayers you've sent Astrid's way. I can't even begin to express how much it means to me, Astrid, and all of us.

Astrid will check back in again tomorrow, Wednesday, and probably even Thursday to let you know how her surgery went and what she thinks of her first days of the required 6-10 weeks of crate rest following surgery. Spoiler alert: Astrid probably won't be happy. Even so, she and I thank you all for your friendship and kindness. We'd be lost without all of you.

Have a wonderful Monday, friends!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We're on the 10th day of the Halloween month of Halloween tips. Now, we simply couldn't go this entire Halloween month without mentioning none other than pumpkins! As most of you likely already know, pumpkin can make for a healthy treat for a kitty or pup. Plain, cooked pumpkin can be an excellent source of fiber. This can help to keep the bowels regular, and so it could be something to keep in mind for those furbabies with irregular bowel movements. Pumpkin and the fiber it provides can also help move hairballs more easily through those kitty intestinal tracts. Fiber, such as that from pumpkin, can also help a kitty or pup feel full for longer, which means that it can also potentially aid in weight loss. All of these benefits are on top of the fact that pumpkin is also high in a variety of beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C.

That all being said, do of course ensure that you only feed your furbaby cooked pumpkin of the plain variety. You can feed your furbaby pumpkin puree from a can, of course ensuring that it contains no spices or other added ingredients. You can also cook up your own pumpkin and feed it to your kitty or pup as a treat. What's more, these days, there are many types of dry and moist foods, as well as treats, that contain pumpkin as an ingredient. These such foods might assist certain furbabies with bowel regularity or weight loss. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your furbaby's diet and digestion, discuss options such as pumpkin with your veterinarian.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Sending much POTP for Astrid an her surgery to be a success.

Duke said...

We are sending tons of AireZen and POTP to Astrid and lots of hugs to her peeps.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not met Astrid or your other furballs, but saw this on POTP.. We will pray for Astrid Surgery and for all of you as you deal with the recovery. Our Beau, was diagnosed with torn ACL a year ago and the outlook was not good. He will be 9 this Friday. I thought you might like to read about his and know that even though they said he would never walk again, and was not a candidate for surgery, he was only down for one week, and through my own therapy of walking him slowly short walks and longer each week we have had great year of walking. there is hope. I pray that Astrid will recovery rapidly.

The Island Cats said...

I am purring for Astrid and hope her surgery goes well and she makes a quick recovery. ~Ernie

Eastside Cats said...

Hmm, not really much of a spoiler since we already know that Astrid doesn't like to follow directions!
Well, then...neither do it, so there.
Yes, Evan's peeps look like a flower; adorable.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are really cool toe beans! We all send purrs and prayers to sweet Astrid and we hope the surgery get things all better again!

pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie in any position. How sweet that the neighbor's kitty visits Astrid. I will be praying all goes well tomorrow and that she has a speedy recovery. I love the drawing. Your tips are greet. I wish my cats liked pumpkin. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

The floral print is definitely mimicking you!

messymimi said...

Lots of prayers for Astrid, and for her very nervous mama.

My World said...

We come to bring Healing Pawkisses for Astrid and Purrayers that effurrything will work out fine🙏🙏🙏Double Pawkisses from us to all of you🐾😽💞

Pam and Teddy said...

Sending Astrid the power of the healing paw for her surgery. Hope she does just fine.

Hugs, Teddy