Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Cantankerous Tonks Tuesday

Tonks knows I'm getting her Tonks Tuesday post up late yet again, and so she's looking a bit cantankerous today.

That's fair, Tonks. I deserve that glare.

This may have been a quick post, but we're still wishing you a happy Tuesday, friends!


Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Continuing on with our Thanksgiving feast tips, yet another common holiday dish is white potatoes, such as mashed potatoes. When it comes to feeding your furbaby white potatoes, those that are cooked and plain can be a reasonable treat in moderation. When additional ingredients are added, though, then you have to start being extra cautious about offering potatoes as a treat. For example, butter or sour cream might cause gastrointestinal distress, especially for cats and dogs who are lactose intolerant. In addition, as we've said before, added ingredients such as garlic, onion, or excess salt can potentially be dangerous if consumed by a kitty or pup. So, you can let your furbaby try out those mashed potatoes, but first make be sure to take into account how they're prepared.

In addition to white potatoes, Thanksgiving is also often a popular time for sweet potato dishes. If plain and simple, sweet potatoes can make for a great treat for a kitty or pup. They are a great source of fiber and vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, potassium, and a variety of other beneficial nutrients. Plain steamed, baked, or mashed sweet potatoes would be a great treat to allow your kitty or pup during that Thanksgiving dinner. That all being said, though, do be cautious of dishes such as sweet potato casserole. These altered versions of sweet potato often contain added sugar, sugary marshmallows, and other potential seasonings or ingredients that could be unhealthy or lead to gastrointestinal side effects. So, sweet potatoes are a great treat to offer that furbaby in your life, but do be sure it's of the plain and healthy variety. Just as with white mashed potatoes, make sure you know how sweet potatoes are prepared prior to letting your furbaby have a taste.


Zoolatry said...

Cantanker-whatever, you look quite adorable to us ... and Tom Turkle's cartoon is priceless. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

pilch92 said...

Tonks, you are too cute to be so grumpy. I love the drawing. I will have to try the sweet potatoes with my cats. XO

Eastside Cats said...

Always the pawparazzi, Tonks!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Instead of judging your hard working mama, lend her a helping paw, Tonks!

The Island Cats said...

Good help is hard to find, Tonks!

messymimi said...

Tonks, your mommy is dancing as fast as she can.

meowmeowmans said...

Tonks, you do look a little grumpy today, but still beautiful!