Friday, November 18, 2022

Friendly Fill-Ins

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. On holidays, I usually have a second serving of _________.

2. I am thankful for _________, _________, and _________.

3. I would like to invite _________ over for a feast.

4. _________ was a blessing in disguise.

My answers are below in bold.

1. On holidays, I usually have a second serving of dessert.
(Yes, thank you, I will have another piece of pie.)

2. I am thankful for my human family, my furry family, and this blogging community.
(I'm not a very social person, so all those I just mentioned mean the world to me. My family, furbabies, and all of you truly are what I could call my best friends.)

3. I would like to invite all of the stray and feral cats over for a feast.
(In addition to our neighbor kitty who regularly visits, especially lately there seem to be a lot of strays and ferals in our neighborhood. None of them let me get anywhere near them, but I've been putting food out for them multiple times a day. I also have a heat lamp and a heat bed set up in a covered shelter, and I will be getting a couple more small shelters for my yard for the winter. I'd like to eventually get these kitties trapped and taken care of, but for now I at least want to do what little I can for them. And I really wish I could convince them all to come over for a giant feast, and to stay longer than a couple of minutes.)

4. Evan's groomer recently uncovering a sore on his leg was a blessing in disguise.
(During one of urinary incontinent Evan's recent sanitary shaves, the groomer noticed a sore tucked inside his back leg. She told me about it, and since his groomer is associated with our actual vet clinic, they hopped him right over there to have it looked at. He often has an increase in his urinary incontinence and starts developing more sores, despite being bathed at home, when he has a UTI. UTIs are common in hind limb paralyzed, incontinent cats like Evan. Evan had been acting like his usual self at home, and I'm ashamed to admit I hadn't noticed his new sore, not even while bathing the rather uncooperative boy at home. Given Evan's history, the vet checked him and his urine over and discovered he yet again had a UTI. He got his antibiotic shot and was as good as gold after that, thanks to his groomer.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix? Do you mind if she's bright, shiny, and majorly overexposed? You don't mind? Good. Here you go.

Do you see Eddy's little snaggletooth? I love it so much. I also love her gorgeous aquamarine eyes, which this photo does no justice.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip in our Thanksgiving series is about none other than pie. As we've said on many occasions over time, plain pumpkin contains fiber and other nutrients that can have benefits for our furbabies and their health. That being said, though, not all components of Thanksgiving pies are as equally beneficial. For example, another popular Thanksgiving dessert is pecan pie, but do be cautious with this around your furbabies. Pecans are not particularly safe to feed your pup or kitty. One reason is simply that pecans can cause an upset gastrointestinal tract, and could also lead to bowel obstruction. Also take into consideration any other pies you make and what ingredients they contain. For example, chocolate pies or those containing raisins are of course dangerous to cats and dogs. What's more, when it comes to any kind of pie, whether it be pumpkin, pecan, or another, added sugars and other potential added ingredients can be less than ideal for our kitties and pups to consume. So, when you're making or eating those Thanksgiving pies, keep dangerous ingredients and the final products well out of your furbaby's reach.


Eastside Cats said...

Your groomer deserves a 2nd piece of pie too!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Supurr fill-ins and Eddy's looking really fang'a'licious today!

Yvonne said...

I like a second helping of dessert too. Eddy looks so cute. That's so good about the groomer and Evan's sore. Glad he's good now.

Have a great weekend!

pilch92 said...

Those are great answers. I am glad your groomer found the sore so you could get him vet care. And I am glad you take such good care of the ferals. Eddy is a cutie. Her eyes look pretty in the photo. Nice drawing and excellent tips too. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Love that snaggletooth, and your heartwarming answer to #3. So glad Evan's UTI was discovered.

messymimi said...

It's not always easy to find a sore on a squirming cat and he probably behaves better for the groomer, which is why you didn't see it. Dessert is what i'm supposed to avoid, i hope you enjoy an extra for me.

Nolan Shaw said...

Very thooughtful blog

Leonard said...

I love this idea of a friendly fill in challenge.