Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Tonks Tuesday: The Halloween Aftermath

We hope you all had a happy and safe Halloween! It is indeed the day after Halloween, and boy are we tired. And full of treats.

Tonks didn't eat any of that candy, but this here human sure did. Ever the smart girl, rather than stuff her face full of sugar like this here human did, Tonks opted to play with her treats of the festive toy variety. I just now realized I failed to get any photos of the fun toys the kitties and pup got for Halloween, but Tonks wants you all to know that her favorite is a wand toy with bats that dangle from it. She prefers when this here human of hers runs around with it so that she can chase it. Did I mention that I'm very tired?

Have a wonderful day, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

We mentioned previously how, in some cultures and religions, what we know as the Halloween season extends at least through November 2, as the first two days of November are All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. One such example of this extended celebration is Día de los Muertos. That's why we're sharing spooky little doodles through at least the next two days. I won't lie, though, I have a couple of half done Halloween doodles that I just didn't get to finish before the big day itself, so our Halloween doodles might perhaps extend through this week so that at least a couple of the forgotten doodles can see the light of day.

That said, today's doodle is actually a flashback one that is mostly Halloween, but it's also a commentary on the Christmas season pushing it's way in good and early.

Tip of the Day

Just as we did in October, this November we'll be sharing repeat tips from past Novembers. This is because previous Novembers' tips touched on topics that seem important enough to repeat. This month's repeat tips will include topics such as cancer in pets, diabetes in pets, and Thanksgiving pet safety. So, here we go.

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Our first tip on this topic is actually about none other than spaying and neutering, which we've of course discussed many times before. Spaying and neutering your furbabies is not only important for of population control, but also because, like humans, they can develop cancers of the reproductive tract and related systems. This can include uterine cancer, mammary cancer, and prostate cancer.

What's more, timing of spaying and neutering can be crucial. It is important to ensure that a kitty or pup is of course old enough and big enough for neutering, but also not too old. This is because, for example, there is an increased risk of mammary cancer in female cats and dogs who are allowed to go through one or more cycles prior to being spayed. We could go on and on about this topic, but let's suffice it to say that, as most of you certainly know, it's incredibly important to spay and neuter your cats and dogs for more reasons than one. We'll even say it again. Please spay and neuter your kitties and pups, and do so before they can be affected by an increased risk of cancer.


Eastside Cats said...

It's good to read that a good time was had by all!

pilch92 said...

That is a lot of candy- was that before or after the trick or treaters came? Cute drawing- watching Nightmare Before Christmas. :) Excellent tips too. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Sounds like a fun Halloween! LOVE that doodle...Christmas time is here!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, that is some serious candy! We hope you had a wonderful Halloween!

messymimi said...

Fun doodle! Don't forget to brush after all those treats, you don't want to be the reason your dentist stays in business.