Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year's Eve!

For the New Year tomorrow, and for the final days of the Twelve Days of Christmas, we'll finally share some of the new festive doodles I've been working on. For today, though, we thought we'd go with the short series of New Year's Eve and New Year's Day doodles we first shared a couple of years ago.

We hope that your 2022 ends with peace and joy, and that your 2023 is filled good health, happiness, and many blessings.

Happy New Year's Eve! And Merry Seventh Day of Christmas!


Tip of the Day

We've been discussing care of ferals and strays during the winter months, and over the past few days our discussions have all been about food and water. We do have yet another tip on this specific topic. When it comes to offering food to ferals and strays, try to keep the location and timing of the feedings as consistent as possible. Keeping a predictable feeding schedule and food location can help an outdoor cat know when and where they can find food. Conserving energy is a very important thing for outdoor animals in the winter, and knowing when and where they can successfully venture out for a meal can indeed help ferals and strays save much needed energy, rather than wasting their energy only to find no food present at their feeding station. Therefore, if you feed ferals and strays, keep in mind that it is very beneficial to the animals if you keep their food on a consistent schedule and in the same location.


Eastside Cats said...

Twin cute!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy New Year's Eve, dear friends!

pilch92 said...

I love your art. Great tips too. happy New Year! XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

These are adorable!

messymimi said...

Thanks for sharing another year of your fun doodles and furry family adventures with us.

I wish you a blessed and beautiful 2023!