Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Adventures with Astrid...and Some Feathered Friends

This time of the year, Astrid's adventures often involve us coming across some feathered friends.

Do you see those geese there? Our neighborhood has lots of them, probably because we have a number of parks with lots of grass as well as a creek that runs every which way in our area. There are also a couple of ponds and lakes here and there, including just down the street from where these photos were taken.

I always try to avoid the geese as much as possible on walks so as not to disturb them, but with the lake nearby on this street, the geese are usually pretty much everywhere. Pup Astrid and I had crossed the street to give those geese there some space, but then we came upon more geese on the other side as well. So, we finally had to just ask the slightly less angry geese to please let us pass and we'd be out of their hair feathers in no time.

Sorry, geese. We didn't mean to disturb you, but given the honks and hisses we got, we apparently did so anyway. 

If anyone was curious, Astrid is actually very good with wildlife. She does not bark, lunge, or in any way try to bother the geese. More often than not, geese kind of scare her and she prefers to give them as much space as possible. As a puppy, Astrid had to be trained to not try to chase squirrels and rabbits, but now she remains calm and collected even when she sees those furry friends. She still has a noticeable interest in rabbits, for one reason or another, but she's learned to watch them without trying to go after them. She also has far more interest in ducks than geese, but again, she's good at bird watching rather than bothering them. The short story is that Astrid is a very good girl.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's summer safety tip is to beware the bugs. A variety of bugs begin to make appearances this time of year. That being said, many of those bugs bring with them their own sorts of danger. For example, some spiders, as we've mentioned before, have bites that are toxic. Bees, wasps, and other similar bugs can sting, and this can prove incredibly dangerous for furbabies with severe allergies to these stings. There are also of course mosquitoes, who can harbor those nasty, dangerous heart worms.

That all being said, keep in mind that many bug sprays can also be toxic to furbabies. Spraying in your yard, or near or inside your home, can be dangerous for this reason. If your furbaby licks or comes into contact with certain pesticides, they could become sick and have serious side effects.

There are ways, though, for you to help keep your furbaby safe from insects. For example, keep any water in your yard fresh and clean, as stagnant water attracts mosquitoes as a place for them to lay eggs. To ward off buzzing bees, try to keep plants that attract them away from areas where your furbaby frequents. When you are somewhere unfamiliar, perhaps steer clear of gardens, not only to keep your furbaby safe from toxic plants, but also from bees that might be hanging around the area. Though not always easy, keeping buggers such as spiders out of your home might be easier if you keep doorways and the like regularly cleaned. Ridding doorways of cobwebs, for example, can lead to less arachnid inhabitants.

It is also worth noting that there are some pet-safe insect repellents on the market. Some products can keep bugs away in a more natural manner, such as by using certain scents to which insects are averse. This being said, though, even some of these more natural products can pose risks for furbabies, such as if they contain dangerous essential oils or other potentially toxic ingredients. For this reason, always read product labels, and discuss any concerns with your veterinarian. What's more, should your furbaby become sick due to an insect bite or sting, or due to ingestion of a pesticide, seek veterinary care immediately.


pilch92 said...

Astrid is such a sweetie. Geese can be pretty nasty so it is good she doesn't want to be near them. Nice drawing and excellent tips. XO

Eastside Cats said...

There is a joke that Canadian people are so nice, because they put all of their nastiness into the Canada Geese!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Awww it's obvious she's a very good girl too!

catladymac said...

Astrid IS a very good girl !

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I am glad the geese did not charge you! Good Astrid!

messymimi said...

I'm glad Astrid just walks and doesn't chase. Geese are never happy with us no matter what we do.

meowmeowmans said...

We are glad that Good Girl Astrid is a so good with those feathered friends. :)