Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tonks Tuesday

On this Tonks Tuesday, the calico herself is enjoying some major sunshine from her beloved blanket on her beloved chair. 

Are you friends of ours enjoying any sun puddles today? Tonks and all of us here sure hope you are!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

You'll probably see this tip from us at least once more this summer, but today we're already mentioning fireworks. These booming celebrations often make appearances during the summer months, such as for Memorial Day and certainly Independence Day. Needless to say, always be cautious with your furbaby around fireworks. First, close proximity to fireworks can lead to burns or other injuries. In addition to this, the sound and sight of nearby fireworks could cause a fear reaction, which could potentially lead to an escaped or lost furbaby.

Speaking of fear of fireworks, it is of course best to keep your furbaby tucked safely indoors when fireworks are being used anywhere nearby outdoors. Even inside, though, it is possible for the sounds and sights of fireworks to frighten a pup or kitty. You can make some attempts to minimize the sight and sound of fireworks, such as by closing windows, closing blinds, playing music, turning on the TV, and distracting your furbaby with some playtime. Some dogs and cats are also calmed by wearing a ThunderShirtⓇ, or even a makeshift one created using a blanket, towel, or a piece of clothing. If your furbaby is still scared, sometimes it is simply best to allow them to hide. In this case, ensure they have somewhere to be and feel safe, such as a safe room or cubby in which to nestle while the fireworks are booming.

Since it is always better to be safe than sorry, in case a fearful furbaby does somehow escape, ensure that they are properly identifiable. For example, make sure they are wearing a tag with your contact information on it. In addition, this is also when up-to-date microchips can be crucial.


Eastside Cats said...

Tonks, we have muted sunshine, but it's warm and all kitties are enjoying window whiffies!

pilch92 said...

Tonks is a pretty girl. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Yes, Mudpie has!

Brown Family said...

Angel has a window hammock that has the best sun puddle in the house!

The Island Cats said...

Tonks, that’s the purrfect way to spend the day.

messymimi said...

Tripod SissyCat spent plenty of time on her sunporch, too.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

We wish we got natural light in our unit! Unless the cats sit in the window, our unit is all underground!