Friday, May 5, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ would make my life easier.

2. My May to-do list includes _________ and _________.

3. If my morning starts with _________, I _________.

4. Ending my day with _________ makes me _________.

My answer are below in bold. They all in some relate relate to the kitties, because of course.

1. My kitties not loathing their carriers would make my life easier.
(Carriers stay out all the time in various rooms of the house. But, not a single kitty treats them as a fun or cozy place to be. That really makes vet visits so very interesting.)

2. My May to-do list includes bundling up yard waste and going through the kitties' hoard of toys.
(After all the storms we had over the last month or two, the amount of branches and other debris I've had to pile up in my yard is bigger than ever. Luckily, the last day of free yard waste pickup in our town is in a week or so. That does mean I have to actually bundle it all up neatly in bags or piles, though, so I need to get on that. As for the kitties' toys, don't worry, we won't be getting rid of many, and certainly not any favorite or sentimental ones. But, the kitties have something like half a dozen toy bins that are officially overflowing. I need to go through them and toss some old, decrepit ones, many of which are probably non-toy pieces of literal trash that the kitties hoarded as their own at one time. There are also maybe a few unused ones here and there that we could donate. Mostly, though, I need to sort them, clean some well-loved ones, refresh some catnip ones, and cycle through the ones the kitties haven't seen in awhile.)

3. If my morning starts with kitty cuddles, I am immediately in a good mood.
(Luckily, there's usually anywhere from one to three kitties on my bed when I wake up, so the chances of kitty cuddles are usually pretty high.)

4. Ending my day with kitty cuddles makes me sleep well.
(I hadn't initially intended for my answers to #3 and #4 to be so similar, but after some difficult days at work this week, kitty cuddles in the morning and evening are what's really getting me through. So, these are the answers that immediately came to my mind. And it's true, anyway. I'm one of those lucky ones who has no issues with insomnia, and I honestly believe it's in large part because I usually have a kitty or three to cuddle with in bed.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Last Thursday, Thimble showed you all how she no longer gets fully throttled by Eddy. At least not as often as in the past. Thimble even sometimes gets to sleep near Eddy. Though she sometimes tries to be patient, Eddy still isn't always all that thrilled with sharing her mom's bedroom with any kitty besides Evan.

To deal with Thimble being in the room, Eddy usually just tries to ignore the invasion of space.

That is, until she feels the stare aimed toward her.

Luckily, a fight did not follow that photo. Often, when Eddy and Thimble lock gazes, a fight ensues. Not a huge fight. It usually involves Thimble rolling belly up and crying while Eddy slaps her a few times. But, this time not even that happened. That's probably in large part because I was sitting right there, and they know better than to fight when I'm on hand to break it up. Had I been out of the room, poor Thimble might very well have gotten smacked around just a tad bit for being bold enough to not only sit near Eddy, but to also look at her.

Eddy wishes you all a happy Friday! She especially hopes your day is filled with far more personal space than she's getting.

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

In yesterday's tip, we discussed keeping our furbabies at a safe distance from those bird feeders we put out for the wildlife. This got us thinking, and now we've decided to do a series on feeding wildlife, and interacting with wildlife in general. While we all certainly love animals, and so might very well enjoy visiting with them and feeding them, this is something you nevertheless always have take into careful consideration. It is important to determine whether feeding wildlife in a certain area is wise, or even allowed. There are some areas where feeding wildlife is prohibited, for a variety of reasons.

One reason why it might not be wise to feed wildlife in certain areas is that, of course, some human food is not healthy for the wildlife. Some foods can even lead to sickness in such animals. In addition, feeding wildlife can lead them to lose their fear of humans or predators, and that can be dangerous for them. They can especially be put at risk if they are fed near roads or other high traffic areas, where they can lose their fear of cars and other such dangers. Also, feeding wildlife without caution and care can lead to disease transfer. For example, some wildlife carry diseases that can be contracted by us humans or our furbabies. This means that not only can we be dangerous for wildlife if not careful, but they can be dangerous to us.

In known, controlled environments, such as your own back yard, feeding wildlife is of course more safe. Then again, you still have to be cautious of what and how you feed these animals, so that they can remain healthy and safe, and so that nearby humans and their furbabies can remain safe. We already mentioned yesterday putting bird feeders and food for wildlife out of reach of your furbabies, for their own safety as well as that of the wildlife. Over the next couple of days, we'll be discussing some tips on what to feed wildlife, so stay tuned if that is something that might interest you.


pilch92 said...

Great answers to the fill-ins. I am sorry your cats dislike the carriers though. Very cute photos of Eddy and Thimble- glad there was no fighting. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

My answers to 3 and 4 are nearly identical!

Eastside Cats said...

If the fur doesn't fly, then that's a win.

messymimi said...

Our cats are not carrier happy, either.

I'm glad there was no fight. Eddy, i believe, is finding it's hard being a purrmudgeon (cat version of a curmudgeon).

meowmeowmans said...

We sure are glad Eddy and Thimble didn't throw down after these photos! Your fill-ins were great. We are lucky because Ava treats her carrier like it's a secret hideout. Well, sometimes anyway.