Monday, October 30, 2023

A Not-So-Macabre Monday Before Halloween

I'm just going to pretend like I didn't completely drop the ball and miss both posts for the weekend before Halloween. In my defense, on top of all the typical fun chores that adulting brings with it, I did spend a good chunk of my weekend prepping candy goodie bags for the neighbor kids and my family, getting all the furbabies' spooky goodies sorted, and even baking some desserts for the tiny little shindig I always enjoy on Halloween night with my parents and sister. That said, today is the day before Halloween, and it's also Mancat Monday. Tomorrow is Halloween, of course, and we will indeed have a frightfully festive bash over here on our blog. All the furbabies will be making an appearance to help celebrate.

For today's Mancat Monday post, though, here's Evan hanging out with some of our pumpkin decor. Because that's what this here human mom of his does to get Halloween photo shoots of the furbabies around here.

Evan, the good boy he is, was willing to pose for one good photo. After that, though, he moved right on to bath time.

Evan wishes you all a not-so-macabre Monday before Halloween!

Flashback Doodles of the Day

Unfortunately, today I again have a flashback doodle instead of a new Halloween doodle. Well, I actually have two flashback doodles today. I simply didn't get my scanner fired up this weekend so that I could upload new ones. Tomorrow you'll likely being seeing multiple new Halloween doodles to celebrate the big day itself, but we'll also be sharing some for the first couple days of November, since those are still All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, or Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).

This first flashback doodle I'm sharing today is one I scribbled up a couple years ago after seeing a piece of art online of a witch seemingly pondering adopting a little black kitten she sees in a window. So, I recreated that in my own style.

And the second flashback Halloween doodle today is also from a couple years ago, and is a very basic, somewhat abstract homage to my favorite childhood Halloween movie. And that was, the silly Halloweentown, which I admittedly still watch every single year.

Tip of the Day

If you enjoy watching horror films or other similar movies for Halloween, keep your furbaby in mind when you adjust the volume. As you all certainly know, cats and dogs have impeccable hearing. A noise that sounds normal and tolerable to us might for them sound far more loud and uncomfortable. So, take into consideration your kitty or pup's heightened sense of hearing when watching movies, especially those with loud music, screams, and so forth. If you are watching a loud movie this Halloween, or any day of the year, be sure that your kitty or pup has a quiet area of the home, away from the television, where they can retreat should they wish to.


pilch92 said...

Evan is such a cutie. I like both drawings. And your tips are great. I have never seen that movie- I need to. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You did a pawsome job posing, Evan!

messymimi said...

Very sporting of you to pose for one good photo, Evan.

Nice doodles!