Friday, March 22, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Non-Blurry Eddy

First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with Ellen of 15andmeowing as she prepares to say goodbye to her dear Joanie.

Ellen is understandably taking a break from blogging as she spends time with her Joanie, so the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge we co-host can be joined through my blog today. Ellen came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I refuse to spend more than _________ for _________.

2. I am not ashamed to admit _________.

3. I've been obsessed with _________ lately.

4. When someone tells me _________, I _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I refuse to spend more than pennies for drinking water.
(I've told the full story before, but after once spending $5 for a small bottle of water on a rare occasion I attended a concert, I decided that wasn't a thing I liked doing. I'm someone who willingly drinks the water that comes out of the tap, which accounts for only a tiny fraction of my house's water bill. Even most restaurants don't charge for a glass of water, and I appreciate that.)

2. I am not ashamed to admit that I prefer to stay home with my furry family.
(I know a lot of people who say it's "unhealthy" and the like to refrain from going out and socializing with other humans and such, but I am a proud homebody who wants nothing more than to get home to my kitties and pup every day.)

3. I've been obsessed with potatoes lately.
(I know this is a weird answer, but when I thought about something I've just recently been really into, the answer is potatoes. I went through a long spell where I didn't buy or eat potatoes very often. I don't even know why. But, a month or so ago I bought a bag of potatoes, and now I've gotten into the habit of buying a bag with nearly every grocery shop and happily making and eating baked fries, potato wedges, and all sorts of potato dishes with as many meals as possible.)

4. When someone tells me "it's just a cat", I lose respect for them.
(Not everyone has to share their life with cats or dogs. As for me, though, my cats and pup are my world, so when someone uses terminology that devalues a living, breathing companion so dear to me and my life, I'm not the slightest fan of that.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix? Today you get a rare shot of still, snoozing Eddy. Don't get used to the non-blurry version of Eddy, though, as I'm sure it won't last.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's National Pet Poison Awareness Month tip is yet another one regarding random yet potentially toxic items that might be found in the the home. Today's household item to be aware of is matches. Matches can contain potentially toxic substances, such as potassium nitrate. It is also possible for matches to contain heavy metals or other dangerous components. Ingestion of matches can lead to toxicity for your furbaby, with the effects depending on the quantity ingested. Poisoning from the ingestion of matches can result in symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Consuming items such as matches can also lead to a variety of other problems, such as perforation or obstruction of the bowels. Needless to say, to prevent any such issues, of course keep matches and all dangerous items well out of reach of your kitty or pup.

In this same line of thought, also keep items such as lighters and lighter fluids hidden away. These can also contain components that are potentially toxic to kitties and pups. And what do we always say? It's better to be safe than sorry.


Yvonne said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Ellen and Joanie.

Great fill ins...I so agree with your answer for #4. Adorable pic of Eddy.

Have a great weekend!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

For once, we have no answers... Wow.

Eastside Cats said...

The bestest part of being home with our furbabies, is when they use us as human cat beds!

messymimi said...

My heart aches for Ms. Ellen.

It's not just a cat, it's the cat I care about.

Eddy, thank you for the non-blurry pic, even if it wasn't exactly voluntary.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Supurr fill-ins, and there's no place like being at home with furbabies, just epicness itself! Happy weekend!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

It's a heartbreaking time for Ellen, we haven't stopped thinking of her since we read the message🙏

Great fill-ins, Granny prefurrs to stay home with us too and your fourth answer says effurrything about the purrson, that we also coudn't deal with anymore.

That's a very cute picture of Eddy😻and your doodle is so cute. We always like to see them even if they're a flashback😻 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Darling Eddy! Couldn't agree with you more on 2 and 4.

pilch92 said...

Thank you for hosting by yourself this week. Great answers, mine for 2 and 4 would be the same. And I don't even like to spend more than a dollar on water. Adorable shot of Eddy. Cute drawing. XO