Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: A Selfie Attempt

Today, calico Tonks would like to ask you all how she did in her recent selfie attempt.

In case you're curious what all you're seeing there, Tonks was sitting on a wooden rocking chair. Her arm is going through the arm of the chair. She apparently thought that made for quite a nice selfie setup. What do you think? Of course, Tonks already knows she's adorable.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Doodle of the Day

We still have a couple of new winter doodles to share, so here you go.

Tip of the Day

Yesterday, we discussed being aware of your furbaby's safety around potentially hazardous plants. Today, as yet another tip for National Pet Poison Awareness Month, we're giving a reminder to also be careful of other dangers that might come with those plants. When outside with your pup or kitty, always be cognizant of the fact that some areas may have been treated with fertilizers, weed killers, and pesticides. Depending on their ingredients, such garden substances can potentially affect the intestinal tract, respiratory system, the mucosal membranes of the eyes and nose, or the skin. So, try to avoid using such garden treatments in your yard and around your home, or ensure that any treated areas are kept off limits to your pups and kitties. Also be careful when you are away from home and in areas with which you are not familiar, including strangers' yards and public parks, as you do not know what types of plant or lawn treatments may have been used in such places.

In addition, if you do use any form of fertilizer, weed killer, or pesticide, always be cautious where you store it. Make sure that it is in an areas that your furbaby cannot reach. And yet another consideration to make is the possibility of your furbaby or yourself unknowingly walking through a treated area while outside. Therefore, after a stroll outside, you might consider wiping off your furbaby's paws, as well as your shoes, to help ensure that nothing unknown is left lingering and entering the home. We can't say it enough times—it's better to be safe than sorry.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's a very creative angle, Tonks!

messymimi said...

You have a beautiful profile, Tonks.

pilch92 said...

Tonks is a cutie. I love the drawing. And your tips are great. XO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We Mews sometimes get into odd positions with the furniture. If it works for us at the time, that is fine.