Monday, March 25, 2024

Mancat Monday: Medication Madness

We're trying to find a bit of a new normal here at our house. Evan is on increased medications, both in terms of dosages and frequency, due to his recent increased urinary issues and intestinal issues, and his still-healing aural (ear) hematoma. There is much time being spent tossing medications down poor Evan's throat. And on his part, there is much urination happening and much defecating happening.

That there was Evan after his first increased dose of gabapentin. He's been on a lower dose of gabapentin for a little over a year, ever since his urethral obstruction in December 2022. Due to his most recent straining and urinating blood, though, his vet doubled his dose. That certainly conked Evan out. It's slowly balancing back out and not causing him to be quite as tired, but that first high dose sure hit him hard.

All the above said, Evan is slowly but surely getting back to his usual self. He is no longer straining to urinate and is not passing any blood in his urine anymore. He also started on cisapride for intestinal motility after very recently being diagnosed with megacolon, and at least for now it has finally started to help him defecate every day.

When Evan is not feeling like himself, and when his body is trying to learn new medications, he admittedly doesn't always go to his toilet to relieve himself. That means there's lots and lots of cleaning going on around the house, but as long as he's feeling better, I'll make that work. This has happened before and Evan always ends up back to using his toilet like usual. We just have to get to that stage of the game again.

Now, you'll have to excuse Evan while he goes and takes another long nap. Happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

As part of National Pet Poison Awareness Month, we're now talking about the risk of poisonous bites your kitty or pup might receive from other critters. Depending on where you live, or where you might be visiting with your furbaby, you might find it necessary to be on the lookout for critters such as snakes and spiders whose bites can have toxic effects. When it comes to snakes, some of the dangerous ones include certain coral snakes and rattlesnakes. As for spiders, as most of you certainly know, black widows and brown recluses are among the most dangerous. Bites from such critters can result in any number of dangerous or life-threatening side effects, including cardiovascular shock, respiratory distress, neurological damage, and tissue damage, among others.

When outdoors, especially in areas where snakes, spiders, or other venomous critters are a known possibility, always monitor your furbaby and keep an eye out for danger. As needed, research the wildlife of areas you will be, so that you know what snakes, spiders, and other critters of which to be cautious. Of course, if your kitty or pup is bitten by a spider or snake, especially a known venomous one, do not hesitate to seek veterinary care. In many such cases, counteracting the venom in a timely manner is crucial.


catladymac said...

We send purrayers and Power of the Paw to you and sweet Evan. We are glad to hear he is better. Even if it is a little bit at a time, it is still a step forward.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That poor little guy. He's so lucky to have you taking such wonderful care of him.

messymimi said...

I'm glad things are looking up for him.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

May happiness and peace return to your cat household. We understand the issues. Purrs from all of us.

pilch92 said...

Evan has had a tough time. He is blessed to have such a loving mom. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

Fur Everywhere said...

I am so happy to hear that the medications are helping Evan feel better. He is such a precious boy.