Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Adventures with Astrid at the Creek

We've mentioned before how we have a creek that runs through our neighborhood, and walks with pup Astrid often take us by and over it. Today, Astrid wanted you all to see one of the admittedly slightly less pretty views of the creek.

Astrid has some much prettier creek shots to share soon, so she thought she'd start with this one. Nature is rarely ugly, but this region of the creek is just simply not the prettiest it has to offer. It's still nice and peaceful, though, and Astrid also also thinks it has some rather tasty grass to offer.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's spring safety tip is all about that spring cleaning. In our series for Pet Poison Prevention Month, we gave some tips on household items that can potentially be toxic to our furbabies, such as if ingested. Some of these dangerous products are, of course, household cleaners. Various detergents, for example, can be very caustic or can contain toxins. This is why, if you are planning on doing some spring cleaning around your home, always think ahead and take your furbaby's health and safety into consideration.

As needed, block your kitty or pup from the rooms you are cleaning, such as with closed doors or baby gates. What's more, when cleaning products are not in use, store them safely out of reach, where curious paws cannot reach them. It is true that some household cleaners are dangerous while others are not, but if you are in any way unsure of a product's safety, err on the side of caution, assume it is dangerous, and keep it away from those furbabies while you spring clean.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You have some nice open spaces to explore!

messymimi said...

Pretty or not, it looks like a great place for a walk.