Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Adventures with Astrid: Walking Weather

We finally had a break from the 90°F heat wave we've been having, which made Astrid so very happy. She finally got one of her beloved, much cooler walks.

This poor pup has never had any heat tolerance. She'll gladly go for miles long walks and sit in the yard for hours on end when it's 5°F outside, but if it hits even close to 80°F, she's annoyed as all get out. She'll get part of the way through one of our summer walks, and then look at me like it's my fault that it's hot outside. Then she'll turn around and head home because this girl cannot take the heat. I let Astrid entirely pick where we walk, especially now that she's 11 years old, and so she lets me know when she's officially fed up with the heat. Which, lately, is very often.

For the first time in over a week, though, we went for a morning walk when it was barely over 60°F. At Astrid's choosing, we walked for nearly an hour, and both she and I were so very happy.

Astrid hopes you all have perfect walking weather as well!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's summer safety tip is about your furbaby's care in the event that you are traveling this summer. We'll begin with if your furbaby is staying behind while you travel, in which case it is important to plan well in advance for their care. If your furbaby would do best being boarded, then be sure to schedule this well ahead of time, to ensure that they can stay at a veterinary or other boarding facility that you trust.

Another option is of course having your furbaby stay home and having a trusted pet-sitter come in to care for them, or to your cat or dog them stay with someone you trust. No matter what route you take for your furbaby's care while you are away from them, be sure that whoever is looking after them has all of the resources and information they might need. Make sure that your furbaby's food is stocked up, as well as their medications, litter, and anything else of importance. Ensure that their caregiver knows the details of their care, including what, when, and how much they are fed, as well as any medication administration instructions they might need. Don't forget other resources a pet-sitter might need, such as any pertinent details of your furbaby's medical history, as well as the contact information for their veterinarian.

Then there are the times that our furbabies travel with us on vacation, and it is also important to plan accordingly in this case as well. To begin, make sure that you pack all that your cat or dog might need. This would include food, treats, water, medications, leash, carrier, and anything that is significant for their daily care. It is of course also important to plan in advance for pet-friendly lodging at your travel destination. Are you staying at a hotel? If so, is that hotel pet-friendly? Or, are you staying with family or friends? If so, do they have a pet-friendly home? Are there other animals at this home, and if so, will it be safe for the animals to interact? Be sure that any such details are ironed out well in advance.

With all of the above planned out, there is then the actual act of traveling with your furbaby. If you are traveling by plane with a pup or kitty, this will of course require you to learn of the airline's requirements, and that you do so with plenty of time to spare. A veterinary visit and a certificate of health may be required by some airlines. Regardless of whether a certificate of health is required, it is important to discuss with a veterinarian whether your furbaby is safe for travel by plane, especially if they are sick, geriatric, or if they do not travel well. If it is by car that you are traveling, ensure that your cat or dog has a cage or seatbelt for safe restraint during travels. Make sure that your furbaby has a chance to eat, drink, and bathroom during long trips. At the same time, make sure that they are safe from escape anytime you stop and open any car doors.

Summer is a time for travels for some people, and perhaps even their furbabies. Whether you leave your furbaby home or take them with you, always plan well in advance. Always keep in mind your furbaby's health and happiness, and discuss any concerns with a veterinarian.


pilch92 said...

I don't blame you for preferring cooler temps Astrid. Cute drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm 100% with you, Astrid! We hit 90 for the first time today and I'm already over it!

messymimi said...

Melting weather is what I call it, and it can be most miserable. I hope you get more cool mornings for walks.