Friday, May 3, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and the Queen of the World

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I _________ but not _________.

2. Just because I _________ doesn't mean _________.

3. Am I the only one who _________?

4. I used to _________, but then I learned _________.

My answers are below in bold. Apparently I was hungry while filling these in, as all but one of my answers is about food or drink.

1. I love fruits but not veggies.
(I eat multiple kind of fruit every single day. I usually have blueberries and/or strawberries in oats for breakfast, a banana for snack, some grapes for lunch, and that sort of thing. I have to force myself to eat veggies, though. I do like peas and corn, so I will throw those in with lunch often. If I take the time to bake or steam carrots, I do like those, but raw carrots are not my thing. The short story is that I need to be the adult I am and just eat my veggies like a big girl.)

2. Just because I love animals doesn't mean I'm a veterinarian.
(Let me explain. I love animals, obviously. I also have a BS degree in animal sciences, and I worked at a cat clinic for a couple of years nearly a decade ago. Because of all that, I regularly have family and even just acquaintances asking me questions or for advice that really needs to be directed to a vet. I am happy to discuss my experience and give my two cents here and there on things in general, but I have some extended family members and even neighbors who will ask me things like why their dog is having some rather severe symptoms, and when I tell them a vet visit is absolutely warranted, they don't like that answer. They usually cite financial reasons. I understand the economy is not a fun thing right now, and I sympathize with that, but that's not going to change my opinion that a sick animal needs to be seen by a vet.)

3. Am I the only one who doesn't drink coffee?
(I've mentioned here before that I don't enjoy coffee and so don't drink it. I've even tried all sorts of additions to coffee to see if I like it with milk or sugar or chocolate or caramel and that sort of thing, but that bitter coffee taste always takes over and turns me off. I've had people act shocked that I don't like coffee, but I know I'm not the only one. Right?)

4. I used to rarely eat potatoes, but then I learned how to prepare them.
(For some reason, potatoes were a food I just never took the time to learn how to properly prepare. Awhile back I found myself hungry for them, though, and I wanted more than the instant version. So, I asked my mom for some tips, and now I regularly make myself baked fries, potato wedges, mashed potatoes, and all that spud jazz.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Now, who's ready for your Eddy fix? All of you? Of course you are. Today, you get a strange view of Eddy, but it's her way of demonstrating how she's queen of the world. Or at least queen of the cat tree.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We already gave a tip on the importance of keeping up with parasite preventatives, especially as the weather warms up. Similarly to this, also make sure that your kitty or pup is up-to-date with vaccines for diseases that might affect them. If spring weather means that your furbaby will be venturing outside more, interacting with other dogs and cats, or even potentially coming into contact with wildlife, then keep this in mind when it comes to vaccinations.

For example, feline calicivirus is a respiratory disease that can be somewhat easily passed from cat to cat. Canine distemper is a similar disease in dogs, affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and being passed through direct contact between dogs or their secretions. There are vaccinations against both of these diseases, as well as other diseases, that could prevent sickness in furbabies at risk of contracting them. This is especially something to consider if your cat or dog will indeed be coming into contact with an environment or animals that might put them at risk of sickness.

There is often debate over the necessity of certain vaccinations. The important thing is to weigh out the options and risk factors. Is your cat or dog going to be traveling or boarding somewhere with other animals? If so, vaccines might perhaps be wise to prevent them from contracting anything, which is why many boarding facilities will require certain vaccinations. Of course, you also have to take your furbaby's overall health status into consideration before vaccinating them. This is when it is important to discuss all circumstances and options with your veterinarian, to discuss the safest, most healthy option for your kitty or pup.


pilch92 said...

Great answers. I agree that sick pets need to be seen by a vet. Sorry on the coffee- I drink it all day long. :) Eddy is a cutie. I like the drawing and your tips are great. XO

messymimi said...

I've had and bottle raised kittens for years, so like you, I get lots of questions best answered by a vet and I tell people so if I have no real advice to offer.

Eddy, that's a regal look, of course you are the Queen.

Thanks for hosting!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Too cute, Eddy! And yes, you are the only one who doesn't like coffee MOL! Now that I think about it, I eat a lot more fruit than veggies too.