Monday, May 13, 2024

Mancat Monday: Cuddles and Crazy Art

It's Mancat Monday, so of course we have for you handsome Evan. Today, you actually get sleepy and cuddly Evan.

Evan is my little shadow, no matter where I am in the house. He and I especially love evening TV time, because it means Evan plops himself next to me on the couch and many cuddles ensue. I love it so much.

And how about a shot of his paralyzed little back legs during one of our evening cuddle sessions? Here you go.

Happy Monday, friends!

Doodle of the Day

In my answer to one of this past Friday's Friendly Fill-Ins, I mentioned how I'm aware that my doodles can be all shades of weird and wacky. I also mentioned how I've been drawing my kitties into some fan art for a crazy wild sci-fi/fantasy series I've been reading. The books are in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series, and the whole storyline is so absurd and I'm enjoying it so much. The main character is a guy named Carl who, due to certain circumstances, is having to survive some chaotic post-apocalyptic stuff all while wearing heart boxers and a cape and it's just my kind of weird.

All that said, like I mentioned, I've been drawing some fan art for the series, starring my kitties. Evan gets to be Carl, heart boxers and cape and all.

The book in the series I was reading when I scribbled this one up was set in a forest and there were crucial mushrooms involved and all that jazz, as if the mushrooms there are the weirdest part of that doodle.

Tip of the Day
Not too long ago, we shared a series of tips all about pet safety in the season of spring. We were going to wait a while before we got into the details of summer safety. However, given the summer-like days we've been having, we thought we'd go ahead and offer some of these important tips now.

In many areas, summer can mean extreme heat. For this reason, it is important to know the signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke in your cat or dog. Signs of overheating in our furbabies can include excessive panting, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate and respiration rate, excessive drooling, weakness, or even vomiting and diarrhea. If your furbaby begins to show any of these signs, especially if they have been in the heat, do not hesitate to seek veterinary assistance. Tomorrow, we'll start diving a little deeper into how to keep your kitties and pups safe from overheating and other summer concerns.


pilch92 said...

Evan is such a cutie and so sweet. I love the drawing, the mushrooms are cool. Great tips too. xO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That doodle is adorable! And Evan, your little legs made me swoon!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are impressed that Evan can follow you around the house. He is very dedicated to you! Your closeness must be a great comfort to him.

messymimi said...

Evan loves his mama, and that's a good thing. Every mancat (and man) should love his mama.