Monday, May 20, 2024

Mancat Monday: Overworked and Exhausted

Hello, friends! It's Mancat Monday, and Evan apologizes for not being a bit more active and present today.

This poor boy is tired from having to snoopervise so many things this weekend. Our hot water heater stopped working, our a/c was struggling in the heat wave, and then our dryer went out. So much was going on, and poor Evan had to keep tabs on all of it, the poor overworked and exhausted boy.

We got the hot water heater working again, using some tactics we've had to use before since this is a recurring issue. After a couple of quick fixes, the a/c is also now doing well. The dryer really is dead, though. It smelled like it wanted to burn the house down, so it got evicted. We'll be getting a new one today, so fun times all around.

Evan hopes you all have far less shenanigans to snoopervise than he does. He also hopes that, either way, you all get lots of naps in today!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day
Today's summer safety tip is all about sunburn. Just like us humans, our furbabies can get sunburned. This can happen during time outdoors, or even by sunbathing in windows or doors. And, just as with humans, sunburn can result in skin cancer in our cats and dogs. This is why it is incredibly important to be aware of this and to take precautions.

Keep in mind that cats and dogs with little to no fur are of course more susceptible to sunburn. In addition to this, those with light fur and skin, such as those that are white or orange coats, are also more susceptible. That doesn't mean furbabies of other colors are not at risk, though. In addition, the areas of the body most likely to get sunburn are the ears, nose, and belly, as in most furbabies these areas have less hair coverage. Again, though, this doesn't mean sunburn or skin cancer cannot occur elsewhere on the body.

What are the signs of sunburn in your furbaby? They are very similar to those in humans. A cat or dog with sunburn will typically develop pink or red skin, which is often inflamed as well. The sunburn is often painful, and the affected skin can also become dry and flaky. Hair loss can also occur around the sunburned area. These are all signs to be aware of, but they are also things that you want to try to prevent from happening in the first place.

So, what can you do to protect your furbabies from sunburn and potential resulting skin cancer? You can of course minimize their time in direct sunlight, whether that be while outside or while sunbathing in a window or door. You can opt for outdoor activities when the sun is not at its peak, as well as opting for shade when outdoors. When it comes to indoor furbabies, you can close doors and curtains to help protect against sunburn during the sun's prime time of the day. In addition to this, there are certain window types and window covers that can help block UV light. These could certainly be useful for frequented windows and doors, but this also of course may not guarantee full protection against sunburn or resulting skin cancer.

Finally, another option for sun protection is, of course, sunscreen. This is especially important for furbabies who frequently go outdoors in the summer sun, or even for those who frequently sunbathe indoors. There is pet-safe sunscreen available on the market. Many sunscreens designed for humans can contain ingredients that are potentially toxic to cats and dogs, so it is indeed important that you look for products formulated especially for your kitty or pup. What's more, as we always say, if you have any questions at all regarding sunburn and skin cancer in your kitty or pup, be sure to discuss this with your veterinarian.


Eastside Cats said...

Evan, it takes a lot out of a kitty to keep things running ship-shape.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Yikes, that's a lot! They say these things happen in threes so hopefully you're in better shape for awhile!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

A cat's snoopervising werk is never done! Good for Evan for keeping paws on it all!

pilch92 said...

Poor Evan has been busy.Sorry about the water heater and the dryer. XO

messymimi said...

Mercy, it sounds like everyone in your family could use a break!

Fur Everywhere said...

Poor Evan had a lot of supervising to do, indeed! I'm glad you got 2 out of the 3 working, at least. I'm sure he'll love laying on the clothes when they come out of that nice new dryer. Hugs and purrs to you all <3