Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: Paraphernalia and Velociraptors

It's Tonks Tuesday. Today, the calico is sharing a scene that has admittedly happened more than once at our house.

You see that stolen and spilled paraphernalia? This human admittedly sometimes forgets to close the lid on our catnip stash. And Tonks is apparently guaranteed to find it every single time that happens.

Thimble has a very similar scene to share in her post this Thursday. Because apparently the kitties here are just plain ol' addicts.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Doodle of the Day

As we mentioned yesterday, I've been scribbling up fan art for a book series I'm really enjoying lately, but with the art starring my furbabies. The books are a wild and crazy sci-fi/fantasy series called Dungeon Crawler Carl, for anyone curious, though I'm thinking these type of books are an acquired taste. Anyway, the books contain a main character who is a tortie Persian cat named Donut. For reasons, Donut ends up with the ability to speak, and she also obtains none other than a pet velociraptor named Mongo. So, today, here is Tonks and her very own velociraptor.

Tonks is curious if anyone has any name suggestions for her new friend?

Tip of the Day
Given the warm weather we've been having theses days, we're doing a series of tips all about summer safety for our furbabies. Yesterday, we discussed how to recognize the signs of overheating in cats and dogs. Today, we're here to remind you that, to avoid potentially fatal heat stroke in your furbaby, never leave them alone in a car. In the heat of summer, the inside of a car can reach temperatures well above 100°F within a matter of minutes. Even with the windows open, the inside of a car can still become not only stifling, but also incredibly dangerous.

Also keep in mind that the car is not the only location that can pose the risk of overheating. Garages, sheds, and of course even the great outdoors can be dangerous places on hot summer days. In short, as you all certainly know, never leave your furbaby in a car or anywhere that can easily overheat on summer days. Just like us, kitties and pups can indeed suffer from heat stroke if left in overheated conditions, and this can be fatal.


Eastside Cats said...

Tonks, do you need an intervention?

M Dawson said...

I am guessing Fido won't work eh? Eustrace? or #HELLLLLLPPP

pilch92 said...

I guess you need to get a safe to keep the nip in. :) Cute drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

The bag just exploded, right Tonks?

messymimi said...

It's okay, mine are addicts, too. Everything has to be in the locked cabinet.