Monday, June 10, 2024

A Not So Manic Mancat Monday

It's not a manic sort of Monday around here. After all, we have not only one sleepy orange boy to share today, but two sleepy orange boys.

Yesterday, my dad sent a picture of his orange boy Kipper taking a face-first sort of nap.

The funniest thing was that, at that exact same moment, my orange boy Evan looked a lot like Kipper.

These orange boys hope you all get the chance to take a good ol' nap today!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Way back in June of 2018, when we welcomed kittens Tonks and Winky into our home, we shared a series of tips related to introducing new furry family members to the household. I can't remember if we've shared tips on this topic since then, but now that I stumbled upon them again, it seems like a fun little topic to cover again. We're going to begin these tips with a simple yet important one, and that is, before you bring any new furbaby into your home, no matter the species or age, always take into consideration all factors that might affect this decision. For example, do you have enough space in your home to bring home a new cat or dog? If you rent your home, how many animals does the landlord allow? Also consider finances, and whether the proper medical and general care of a new cat or dog will realistically fit in your budget. How about your health? Are you physically able to care for a new cat or dog? Do you have other animals? Do any of them have medical or behavioral issues that would make it unwise to bring home another animal? How about family or roommates with whom you live? Is it reasonable and safe to bring a new cat or dog to live with the other people in your home? Needless to say, there are great many factors to consider before bringing home a new furbaby, so be sure to thoroughly consider all those that apply to you and your home.


pilch92 said...

Awww... two cute ginger boys. I like the drawing and your tips are great. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Truffles used to sleep like that a lot! It's adorable.

messymimi said...

They are good sleepers!

messymimi said...

They are good sleeper!