Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Adventures with Astrid: Flashback Flowers

Today's adventure with Astrid takes us back a couple of years. Astrid and I regularly walk through a scenic little park in our neighborhood, and in that park is a tree that in the past had the most gorgeous little blooms. This tree hasn't bloomed in a couple years, though, and so that made me go searching for photos of back when it did. So, here are those flashbacks with pup Astrid.

This tree still stands in the park, but it just won't bloom anymore. I have the farthest thing from a green thumb and so don't know why it no longer shares its flowers with us. I'm glad I have these photos with Astrid showing off the pretty tree, as this tree used to be one of my favorite parts of walking through the park in the spring.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip on bringing a new furbaby into the home is to have a safe area for them to spend their introductory days. Depending on your situation and living space, this can take on many forms. If you are bringing a social, calm cat into a home with no other animals, there is a chance that they might have free roam of the home right off the bat. However, in many cases, such as if they are nervous or if there are other animals in the home, it is far more wise and safe to give a new furbaby a particular safe area where they can go when first beginning their life at their new home. This safe area could be a bedroom, a bathroom, a spacious cage or similar setup in a safe and quiet room, or something else along these lines.

What's more, consider what this safe area should contain. It should of course have the new furbaby's food, water, litter box, toys, a bed or blanket, and other necessities and comforts. Especially when it comes to nervous or shy furbabies, it is also crucial to ensure that a new kitty or pup has an area where they can feel secure or even hidden. If their safe area does not include anywhere for them to feel secure and hidden, consider giving them some options, even simply by cutting holes in upside-down cardboard boxes.

All in all, you have to consider what a new furbaby is coming home to. Do you live with a large family? Are there other animals? Is the new cat or dog shy? Consider all of these factors, and then decide where and how to keep your new furbaby safe while they are first learning the ropes at their new home.


pilch92 said...

Beautiful shots of Astrid under the blooms. Nice drawing and great tips too.

messymimi said...

That's a beautiful place for a walk.

I always enjoy your doodles.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

SO beautiful!