Monday, June 3, 2024

Mancat Monday: Doodling and Dozing

I'd like to begin this post by requesting prayers for my neighbor and her family. This is the neighbor whose now-angel kitty and pup I used to watch when they'd go out of town. This neighbor is only in her 40s and has been battling metastasized breast cancer since the end of 2020. It has spread even more now, and there are now essentially no viable treatment options for her. She entered hospice care this weekend. They're a very faithful family, and a very kind family, and I know they would benefit from as many thoughts and prayers as possible during this time.


I admittedly spent a lot of time on the couch this weekend, where I finished a lot of new doodles. Evan loves when I sit down on the couch, turn on the TV, and do whatever it is I do. All he cares about is that he gets to snuggle up with his momma, and I'm more than happy with that.

Evan is my little shadow and my biggest cuddle buddy, and I love him so much for that.

Happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

This is not one of the new doodles I recently finished, but it's one the favorites I scribbled up last year. It's also apt enough, as I put on a lot of random scary movies while drawing this weekend. Because why not.

I'll be sharing plenty of new doodles soon. Most of the newest ones I scribbled up are concept art and character art for yet more stories I'm having fun planning and writing. All of these doodles of course star a kitty and other furry and feathered friends, which you'll see soon enough.

Tip of the Day

Let's continue on with our food tips. There is sometimes debate over the health benefits of a dry versus a wet food diet for our furbabies. In some cases, dry food can potentially help keep teeth free of tartar and other such issues. This is not a guarantee, however, as animals on a dry food diet can still end up needing dental cleanings and the like. Nevertheless, in some cases, a dry versus a wet food diet can very well affect the teeth. For example, does your furbaby have painful teeth, or no teeth at all? In this case, a wet food diet is often recommended. There are also special diets formulated for dental health, in the case that a cat or dog might benefit from this.

Not only are the teeth affected by dry versus wet food, though, but also other parts of the body. Wet food, for example, is obviously high in moisture content, and so it is often recommended in the diet of any furbaby who might benefit from taking in plenty of moisture. This would include animals with kidney disease, as well as those prone to UTIs, crystals, and so forth.

It's also important to think of the foods that cats and dogs eat in the wild. They often eat the meat of prey, which is not all that crunchy and which is high in moisture, and which therefore might indicate that wet food is more in line with how they would eat in the wild. Of course, though, sometimes it all comes down to the cat or dog's preference. Some cats and dogs refuse to eat dry food, and some refuse to eat wet food. In such cases, we have to take this into consideration and select foods that they will consume, as food intake is of course crucial.


catladymac said...

We send prayers and purrayeers to your neighbor.

pilch92 said...

I will pray for your neighbor. That is such sad news. Evan is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips too. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Awww, sweet Evan. Prayers for your neighbor. That's heartbreaking. I watched a scary movie this weekend too! Guess we're ready for Halloween :)

messymimi said...

I will be praying for your neighbor.

Evan is precious.